Registered User
Hi, Guys
I'm a new forum member and I'm sorry if my questions are a re-hash of old territory but here goes..
I'm 58,own a Corvalis and intend to keep it...no known medical issues thus far. It's a great go-places aircraft but i've become aware there's something missing...the intimate relationship with the landscape below that only low-and-slow can provide.
My new mission, if you can call it that, includes ,weekly trips to a property about 60 miles north of my home airport. This farm has 3 landing areas 2 of which are in cultivation but I have control over that. One is a dog-leg about 800 yds lon, another is a straight-in over 30 ft at the south end and 60 ft at the north; this ones about 200 yds. The 3rd is east-west, about 350 yds with 40 ft trees at both ends; these could come down if its a necessity.
I live on the Gulf Coast and I think low over the near shore on selected days, doors open would be a blast with all the sea-life visible from the air.
I've test flown the Carbon Cub and a 180 Husky,both new and I like 'em both but obvious differences.
My Corvalis friends and , of course, the Husky guy insist that "Jim, they can tell you that they build it to certified specs, but if they did..it'd be certified" and "resale market for certified is MUCH larger 'cause it can be used commercially"
OTOH I don't see a lot of flies collecting on carbon cubs wiring to be sold..
And what do you guys think about Topcub or bespoke cub for my missions?
Plane to be hangared at KECP
Thanks in advance!
I'm a new forum member and I'm sorry if my questions are a re-hash of old territory but here goes..
I'm 58,own a Corvalis and intend to keep it...no known medical issues thus far. It's a great go-places aircraft but i've become aware there's something missing...the intimate relationship with the landscape below that only low-and-slow can provide.
My new mission, if you can call it that, includes ,weekly trips to a property about 60 miles north of my home airport. This farm has 3 landing areas 2 of which are in cultivation but I have control over that. One is a dog-leg about 800 yds lon, another is a straight-in over 30 ft at the south end and 60 ft at the north; this ones about 200 yds. The 3rd is east-west, about 350 yds with 40 ft trees at both ends; these could come down if its a necessity.
I live on the Gulf Coast and I think low over the near shore on selected days, doors open would be a blast with all the sea-life visible from the air.
I've test flown the Carbon Cub and a 180 Husky,both new and I like 'em both but obvious differences.
My Corvalis friends and , of course, the Husky guy insist that "Jim, they can tell you that they build it to certified specs, but if they did..it'd be certified" and "resale market for certified is MUCH larger 'cause it can be used commercially"
OTOH I don't see a lot of flies collecting on carbon cubs wiring to be sold..
And what do you guys think about Topcub or bespoke cub for my missions?
Plane to be hangared at KECP
Thanks in advance!