Fairbanks, AK.
It would be a good idea before any offset trim (not neutral) is used to go up and do some slow flight and stalls. Flaps and not, turns and straight ahead, right near stall and in the same attitude used during takeoff and landing. My concern would be sudden loss of elevator control, or what some have called "dropping out". It may have little effect or not in Cubs, I never bothered to find out.
In the C-185s I flew when the tail quit in a slow landing when off neutral trim odd things happened depending on stab position. In planes with a trim tab nose down trim can make the elevator more effective at forward CG when landing.
In the C-185s I flew when the tail quit in a slow landing when off neutral trim odd things happened depending on stab position. In planes with a trim tab nose down trim can make the elevator more effective at forward CG when landing.