" My other question is given the max wt of these planes how does anyone go about flying two adults and decent amount of fuel, especially if you add floats? "
Cold and windy out so I will start $hit storm early. The answer is simple they fly overweight. Happens a lot in small aircraft especially in small training aircraft.
That MAY work, right up till it doesn’t. I could introduce you to a well known, long time CFI/DPE who lost all their certificates for conducting a check ride in a Cub that was clearly in excess of legal GW.
And that’s the problem: A CFI or DPE puts their signature in the students logbook, or in the FAA’s IACRA system…..which is no longer in the CFI’s control. If ANYthing draws the FAA’s attention to that pilot…..all is fair game.
In a training environment, the CFI may or may not have control over who the DPE is. When I was doing SES ratings, both the DPEs in that district insisted on demonstrated legal W/B. It’s one of the reasons I sold my SC and bought a C-170.
And, if you’ve ever met Brown’s Examiner, you’d roll your eyes even more. I think
Jon has sold the business now, however.
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