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Graham, Texas to Anchorage, Alaska in a 90 hp Super Cub.

Sorry I missed you at the trade show. :( Your lovely wife said you were out fixing a plane when I was there. I've certainly enjoyed the thread for your trip. Unfortunately I won't be in Valdez this year, but let me know if you pass through Fairbanks, my Hangar is always open to you.

FYI, my Spider is back in my hands, re-allocated back to my -12, and the flight notifications scheme reset to what they were before the Texas to Alaska trip. If any of you tries to look at the Spidertracks public page you'll now find it empty. It was fun watching the boys' trip but now it's time to get on with my Alaska summer. I hope you enjoyed it.

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It was fun watching the boys' trip but now it's time to get on with my Alaska summer.
I sure enjoyed it---beat the heck out of the Royal wedding preparations on TV that the typical American was so gung ho on.
Royal wedding????

I thought that Ed and SteveE had been married a year ago:LeahHarp2:

Even BIGe has called off the divorce sine Ed has those new tires that fit E's plane...:lol:

That is the Royal wedding you are talking about, right:cheers
Well what an adventure. Flew 43 hours in the back seat of Tal's Super Cub from Graham, TX to Anchorage, AK. Fixed two stuck valves, cleaned two more that weren't quite stuck, changed every gasket but the starter on the ramp at various places. Did the Airmen Show and a day trip to Seward with Cathy. Saw many of my lower 48 and AK friends as well as made a ton more. Flew out to the Ultima Thule Lodge and spent 3 days in the splendor of the Claus' world. Flew to Valdez and had a blast at the STOL competition. Flew the coast back to Anchorage and saw whales playing below me, and did a complete tear down, assembly and reinstall of Tal's engine. After being gone for 3 1/2 weeks I arrived home Sunday afternoon just after lunch and am kinda back in the swing of things. This was an amazing experience, from the neat places I saw, people I met met and things I got to do. I am always amazed at the generosity of the people on this website and wanted to share just a little of what I experienced on this amazing trip. As usual I didn't take near enough photos and had to use some of Tal's and Paul's so you could get an idea of just a little bit of what I got to see and do. It was a blast and I really got a kick out of all the posts following us up and all the comments at the places I visited. It was a heckuva ride. Thanks. https://picasaweb.google.com/Pierceaero/AlaskaTrip2011#
Steve...you made this Alaska trip a great armchair adventure. Between the spidertrak, google, and now these photos, it was so realistic I feel like I owe you some gas money. Thanks so much....you have added to my bucket list. Ralph
Wow, that looks like some great fun. I really enjoyed the scenery changes as you flew north. You took some great pics, and looks like you had a great time.....I'll have to plan a trip with my flying buddy Scott and take in the adventure.
Steve Was good to see you again at Valdez. Sorry to here about your mechanical problems but you seemed to overcome as any good cub mechanic would do.
Is that the best photo of Kansas you could find to post? What will people think?:lol:
PS. thanks for posting it was fun to watch your trip

Wana fly up in my 150 hp in a couple of years????? I should be ready for an overhaul about then:lol:

I will even put it in a hanger for you to work in!:wink:

Now that we have followed the wandering wrenches, think about what it was like for the Wien Brothers, Frank Barr, Mudhole Smith, and the others before us...
I often think about the Alaska Aviation Pioneers. The guys flying the Stinson Detroiters and the Bellancas from the 30's landing in the rough stuff back then, with no off pavement tires...those airframes must have been completely hammered. Back before GPS and good weather reports...They must have had nerves of steel.
Nice to get to meet you at the tradeshow Steve. Real nice to have folks with your knowledge base and skillset part of this group. Thanks for your openness and sharing as well as it really makes the Cub life a lot easier. Hope all is well and I imagine its nice to be home!
I got a call from Milford at Flight Line Radio http://www.flighttimeradio.com/ today and it seems that he and Charlie got wind of Tal and my excellent adventure from Texas to Alaska and they want to hear about it and broadcast a live podcast 10 am this Saturday morning a 10 am eastern time. Seems Charlie is building a Cub and loves to talk about them so this ought to be fun.
Darn, I hope they save it on the website so I can stream it later!

Wonder if there will be any mention of that short wing piper site that takes members from here;-)

I will see if I can get the XM from Lyn for Saturday, should be fun!
George, you can listen to it on-line also.

I did not know it was on XM.

might not be... just expected...

If I am home for that, I will have it on. Had not seen that site before.

I hope that Steve refrains from sniveling about being cold and working outside on a ramp in Alaska. A bunch of hangers around and he wanted to prove he could keep up with the big dogs...

of course he forgot that many around here carry an insulation blanket around our middle to soften the effects of the cold up here8)
Ditto what Stewart said, it's a great retelling of their adventure!

Thanks, Steve!
