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Gear legs


Registered User
I intend to recover my gear legs. So I have to remove them from the plane. How can the plane be supported for the duration of the recovering?
I thought I weld a simple temporary tube structure similar to the original ones and use these as the gear legs - without wheels. Would that work? Did one of you do this before? Any pics?
removable meteal covers as an option



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  • Fueling step &Metal Cover.jpg
    Fueling step &Metal Cover.jpg
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That is interesting. Where can I get these covers and how much are they?
I see they are fixed with just a few screws - like them!
I make these covers myself. there are a few tabs that need to be welded on the gear legs. I'll post more pics tomorrow. the covers are made from 2024T3 al. .032"
u can email me at jswalt@comcast.net

I looked over one of John's rebuilds years ago, extremely
nice. I confess that I stole this idea of his and it looks really good.
I see that you are from Germany. At Blumberg (EDSL) they have a PA18 with metal covers. It belongs to the club.