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G3X Touch ver 9.31 - MISCOMPARE


Registered User
Arizona, USA
This post may be of interest to those with G3X Touch and a G5 EFIS.

Garmin added a new audio alert "MISCOMPARE" which is sounded when the GDU software detects a miscompare between G5 and GSU 25 attitude data or air data. In my FX-3, which uses a GTR 200 as intercom and audio mixer, the new alert was truncated (front half of the alert was not audible).

I advised Garmin of this problem but found a solution today. I changed GTR 200 squelch level for AUX-1 input from default 30% to 10%. In Carbon Cubs GTR 200 AUX-1 is the mono alert output of the GDU 46x.

I do not know if the remote audio panel used in some Carbon Cubs has a similar squelch configuration and would have the same alert message truncation.
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