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FX3 options/recommendations for off-airport ops

I see what you are saying. I would need to have it in my hands to determine the correct answer. In other governors those parts are separate.

Hartzell manual 159 - https://hartzellprop.com/MANUALS/159-0000-A.pdf shows the S-1-73 governor is used only on CubCrafters aircraft. The more generic S-1-x is used on many different aircraft types so maybe someone has one on the bench and would be willing to pull the end plate.

(Search manual 159 for "Governor Assembly, S-1-" to find all the aircraft it is used on.)
Just noticed this video posted: 80" Trailblazer on a bearhawk appears to windmill at 1100 RPM.

Your idle descent flight test data showed about 1130 rpm (83 inch) and mine showed about 1280 rpm (80 inch). Our idle descent runs were at about 70 mph and the video idle descent test was faster at about 85-90 mph and showed 1260 rpm. The video rpm reduced to about 1100 rpm with fuel cut off. I have not run that test.

The low pitch blade angle for our 2 props is different. 11.0 deg for 83 inch and 11.5 deg for 80 inch. I don't know the stop configuration for the prop shown in the video and I don't know if the blade angle explains the difference in rpm.
Hartzell responded to my request for information as follows:

" In regards to your inquiry about minimum controllable RPM, the S-1-73 does not have a set minimum controllable RPM. The only l would be, what the governor can physically maintain as a minimum. This number is documented on an informational card and sent with all new governors along with other relevant information specific to that governor."

I didn't install the governor so I have no information card. CubCrafters has not yet answered as to whether they have this card in my aircraft build records. Hartzell has not yet replied to my request for typical data from an S-1-73 governor information card.

Does anyone here have an information card for any S-1-xx governor? If so, would you please post a photo or scan so I can see what information is provided.

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