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Flying a Cub with both windows removed

Jim Miller

Registered User
Normandy TN
I am planning on having two swing-up full windows but only one door. If I hinge them to be easily removed is there any problems flying a cub with the windows off?

Jim Miller
Thanks. I saw a Ran's a few days ago that was very similar to a cub and the windows had clevis pins holding them on and I wanted to do the same on my Cub project.

Jim Miller
My cub has swing up windows both sides.Real nice on hot days but can have interesting effects in slips.I have had some things likes jackets sucked right out of the baggage area behind the seat.

Not long ago, I talked with a guy who was ferrying a new Cub clone from Texas to somewhere on the east coast. He said having swing up windows on both sides of the airplane made for great ventilation on a hot day but made it difficult to slip the airplane effectively because the airflow blew right through the wide open fuselage. I thought this was odd. Could just have been piloting technique.
My CC Sport Cub has fold up windows on both sides, a slip is interesting because the slipstream is hitting you in the side of the head. Anything light in the airplane will get blown around. Other than that, no problems. Bill
I tried to fly with my flip up window open but couldnt get it to stick- kept falling out of the little holder thingy.. whats a good way to stop that?
Jim I have both hinged at the top and can pull pins on the left , the right has a gas cylinder so it stays open . I have some pictures of the gas cylinder mounting ,don't know hoe to post them. Come see the plane Kenny
The Legend slips with everything open(doors AND windows)but it is definitely a different feeling slip.If your in the backseat you better hold on to your headset. :lol:
Had mine in a really good slip one day and the nice lady in my 396 started hollering DESCENT RATE_DESCENT RATE.Never know what she's gonna come out with.

Ken Johnson et al

Thanks for all the replies. Ken I am going to take you up on your offer very soon. I fly up to Madison Indiana (IMS)often to visit my family and will stop by. Maybe in the next two to three weeks. Could you e-mail me again with your location.

Jim Miller jimmiller2@cafes.net
In 2003 Susan and I were flying our Fairchild to the First Flight airport at Kitty Hawk North Carolina. Landing at Kitty Hawk with both windows rolled down, I did a slip on final; Susan's favorite hat, some charts, and other stuff blew out. As we were touching down someone called us on the radio to tell us that "some parts flew off of your plane as you were landing". I just told him, "that's O.K., it's an old airplane and things like that are to be expected". We never did recover Susan's hat or any of the other stuff. I thought we lost the registration because it blew out of its holder in the wing root, but we found it later under the back seat. ...Clyde
Clyde and Susan said:
I just told him, "that's O.K., it's an old airplane and things like that are to be expected". ...Clyde

That cracks me up, Clyde. You're pretty unflappable - good trait to have!

(formerly PA12_Pilot)
I don't know about the legend, but the back seat in a 160 Borer Cub with both sides wide open is about as unpleasant a place as one could ever want to be. The old corkscrew prop slipstream will remove your headset at about 40 mph on the takeoff roll. As you go faster, the effect is lessened. I love open cockpits, but turning the Cub into a breezy is not the best way to enjoy flight - at least in the back seat. Opinion.

Same with the 180 Cub - if you put one of those neat CC windows in on the left side, make sure it is anchored and braced. About the time the floats come up to the step, the prop wash is trying to drive any loose window parts right in to your head.