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Float bumpers & Bears--Up North


Delta, CO
Friend of mine rebuilding his amphib floats for a bucket list trip around the far North of Canada. He mentioned that he heard folks up North put metal around their rubber float bumpers so the bears don't chew on them.

Has anyone had any experience of bears chewing on rubber or foam filled float bumpers?


Thank you!

I parked seaplanes on Kodiak and in the Interior for years, and never had a bumper chewed. Zodiacs, rafts, and just about anything else rubber, yes. Maybe I just live right. Spent a lot of energy trying to run a young brown bear away from a Zodiac parked by the Karluk River, but he was not to be deterred, even with a half magazine of .40 cal lobbed over. His head. Dipshit fishermen left the thing on the bank and left.....

Thank you for your reply Mike. I forwarded your (obviously VERY experienced and knowledgeable reply) to my buddy. Next time I see you I'll have to tell you all about my friend's float "project"...one of those "beyond perfect" rebuilds from the ground up.
Rubber smells - some more than others. Maybe paint them to try to cover the odor? Like Mike I never had a bear choose them for snax despite climbing all over the floats trying to open the float lockers where we stored fish samples for work. Ravens do like the pumpout plugs so wire them on with fish line leaders.

Bears love ATV and snowmobile seats. mattresses, plastic jerry cans and plastic canoes. I've never had a problem with float bumpers though.
I mentioned this before but MTV left two plastic gas cans full at my camp years ago. They're still there but now long empty. I put them out near the cabin. If the bears visit they delight in fussing with them (plastic smells) and chewing. If they're tipped over I know there's one or more been around and reload.

I mentioned this before but MTV left two plastic gas cans full at my camp years ago. They're still there but now long empty. I put them out near the cabin. If the bears visit they delight in fussing with them (plastic smells) and chewing. If they're tipped over I know there's one or more been around and reload.


Dang! That’s where I left those cans!

I have had to deal with chewed float bumpers in the Katmai area.

Bears also like kerosene, jet A, and engine oil. They like it aLOT! they will eat dirt with a few drops of jetA in it!

but avgas doesnt seem to be their thing.

Coastal Brown Bears
and float balls. at Brooks camp a pair of spring cubs went down the beach and pulled and chewed the balls from the whole row of planes. ....and there can be a lot of planes at Brooks


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Brooks Camp is where the bears tried to pry open my float hatches. Stink good from fish. I did grab some floating pumice rocks which was illegal and ran them off. I was sleeping in the plane and they woke me too early.

Interesting no one mentioned how much they like Airstreaks! They bite right thru them. We figured out back in the 70's when
Cutters came out with 100% deet fly dope,
Spraying them down with that would discouraged even the most persistent bear.[emoji1]
Same thing with nussance bear that won't leave you alone in your tent, simple cure:
One can of Cutters with a strip of [emoji1641] bacon
Secured around the can with an elastic, throw it out to him........ He will immediately bite down on the bacon and can will explode in his mouth, you will never see him again......... Biologist will tell you it might kill them, but it never did.........
Next step is a load of #6 bird shot in the ass from 40/50 yds......... Again frowned on by Park Rangers........[emoji848]

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Best medicine for bears in camp is an electric fence. Of course, you have to close the gate..... Was told a story by one of our four person crews camped on Yukon Flats. Said they were eating dinner in their camp, surrounded by electric fence. Someone bumped one of the crew in the back, he turned and it was a young black bear rummaging for scraps. Apparently, chaos ensued, with no harm, no foul for humans or bear.

You can sleep real soundly in a field camp surrounded by a properly installed and maintained electric fence.

I considered anything not stainless steel or granite was potential bear food. Bears are interested in food. The best way to keep bears from messing with things is to keep everything clean and odor free.

Before zap fences we used these (https://crittergittersensor.com). Set up some near camp to alert when intruders approach. However, they are apparently tasty to a curious black bear. I had my personal units eaten twice when I was gone from camp and left them on. They probably sound like a nutritious dying rabbit until the battery quits.

The Critter Gitters now come in waterproof enclosures. Mine didn't. I fastened them to a tree and put a small roof (coffee can lid) over to deflect rain. They will sense moving grass and brush when windy so try to put them where they will not or cut the brush. They do work. Many a bear woke us up in field camps and at my remote cabin before they arrived. If there are game trails that was a good spot for them, or better yet avoid camping near the trails. Test their movement capture width and depth and set them up some to avoid small game like squirrels.

“One can of Cutters with a strip of
bacon Secured around the can with an elastic, throw it out to him.”

If you have bacon in your tent that’s most likely why the critter is sniffing around.

I’ve been told that brake cleaner has the same effect as Cutters.
I don't particularly like bears around snooping. But bacon wrapped starting fluid and brake cleaner can cause injury by toxicity and rapid evaporation-freezing tissue. I'd rather either repel them or eat them but not doom them to suffer because they're scavenging. Just opinion. Electric fences and alarms can keep them away. Firearms turn most of them into sausage.

Our cabin is in the middle of grizzly bear country. They are plentiful, though somewhat smaller than Alaska grizzlies.
The cabin has been there for eight years now, and apart from a few scratches on the plywood, there has been no damage, although the plastic canoe is now "ventilated". We have an aluminum boat now.

We cook outside whenever possible.
We burn all our garbage, including the cans, squash them and take them home. Not much weight to haul back when we're near empty anyway.
The cabin has a metal roof and walls are 1/2-inch fir plywood. I put steel angle on the corners.
The windows are made of safety glass, just 18 by 28 inches, so I don't think a bear could squeeze through, even if he managed to break a window.
All the windows are shuttered with flush-mounted 1/2-inch plywood (the window cut-outs).
The door opens OUT so a bear can't use his weight against it.
Non-perishable food is stored in a high-cache. No food is kept in the cabin.

The bears do come calling when we're not there, we know that from the trail camera. They do a lot of sniffing around but eventually give up and move on.

We have had bears come around when we're "at home". They almost always run, but if they hesitate then a "bear banger" gets them moving. It's very satisfying to see the north end of a south-bound bear and know he won't be back, at least until we are gone home. We are in THEIR territory, after all, and the bears are just doin' what comes naturally. They are big, powerful animals and they have to be respected but, in my experience, it is rarely necessary to do them bodily harm.



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Bears love anything soft, float bumpers, 4 wheeler seats, grader tires etc. We started to use pink or grey styrofoam glued together and carved to shape with a hd inner tube wrapped around the whole contraption and then attached to front of float.

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