February 12, 2021 completed first flight for another Mackey Cub, N90AK. It started as a wide body Cub with Javaron wings and part way through the project I met Wayne and he gave some good suggestions and ultimately essential help to morph the cub into a monster. The wide body fuselage was cut at the aft fittings and 2 more feet welded on, full box(no gingerbread ) large electric trim motor for the stabilalator and large tail feathers to help balance out for the Lycoming YIO-390 and Wayne's up sized cowling to fit the big motor up front. It has 8" extended cub gear with Black Ops shocks on the front and the Black Ops Stinger on the tail, Whirlwind ground adjustable 3 blade composite prop, 3rd seat with huge extended baggage and baggage door. Wayne had some spare SQ 2 ailerons so those went on, Keller 3 hanger flaps and Backcountry slats for the leading edge. More to come as I work out the performance parameters after engine break in.