Mr. Ed
Looking at the Piper drawings for the firewall bulkhead. The engine mount bushings call for the washer that's welded to the bushing to be 1025 steel, 1.25" diameter and .125 thick. 1025 has a yield strength of 53,700 psi. Is there any reason you could not use a grade 8 washer of the same dimension since it has a yield strength of 130,000 psi? Would they be too hard and thus prone to crack? Negatively affected by the heat from being welded?
I have been looking for a source for the 1025 washers but have come up empty handed so far. I can find the bushings already welded up for $23 each. Using the grade 8 washers and tubing I already have I could weld them up for about $2 each.
Mr. Ed
I have been looking for a source for the 1025 washers but have come up empty handed so far. I can find the bushings already welded up for $23 each. Using the grade 8 washers and tubing I already have I could weld them up for about $2 each.
Mr. Ed