I started with LASAR mags on my RV8 in '03, and I had overheating problems. They have a very aggressive advance curve. After all the usual baffle etc. changes, I switched to Lightspeed and my troubles went away.
And, the winner is ^^^!
The mechanic who installed this thing installed an "On/Off" switch in the system. Today, after carefully re-reading the Flight Manual Supplement, I fired up and went flying....with the On/Off switch selected to the "Off" position. First interesting factoid: With the switch off, according to the FM Supplement, you cannot start the engine. Period. With the switch (and circuit breaker to be certain) powered off, engine fired right up. Factoid two: Ever since the temps increased significantly, the engine has had really rough starts. Starts fine, but shakes like a dog shitting peach pits. With the LASAR Off, MUCH smoother start up and it idled right away at 800 rpm. A clue.
Took off climbed at full rich and leveled at 6500 msl (7500 DA-cool day). leaned as normal, pull till it pops, richen up to ~ 9.1 GPH on the fuel flow at 2350 and 21 inches. Waited for CHTs to stabilize, and voila! Three cylinders were very close to 360 (358, 356, 355, 338). Energized the circuit breaker, then turned the LASAR switch to "ON", and waited. Fuel flow did not change noticeably. Within a few minutes, three of the CHTs were over 400, the fourth was 385. That was all I needed to see, so turned the system off again.
Out of curiosity, I leaned to 75 ROP at the above noted power setting, using the "Lean Find" feature on the EDM 900. Fuel flows came out to expected.
According to the FM Supplement for the LASAR, CHTs may increase as much as 20 degrees. Mine increase 40 degrees, so I'm assuming the system needs to be reset, OR there's something out of whack. The Supplement is quite clear that the engine cannot be started with the LASAR system off, but this one started fine. Which suggests there may be something wrong with the unit. Unit is no longer in production, different company owns it and by accounts on the interweb, support is minimal.
So, the next question is "What now?". The FM Supplement is quite clear that if the system fails, the mags "work just like conventional mags". So, I'm assuming it's perfectly safe to fly it with the system off. Is that legal? I'll talk to the Mechanic here and see if he'll collar the circuit breaker and log the system inop. I can take the bulb out of the Amber "warning light" which informs the pilot the system has failed......
If not that, I'm assuming it's time to change to conventional mags, or some other flavor of E-Mag. Suggestions?