Thanks for the responses thus far.....just want to add some things based on the comments that were made.
Bob--I was referring to starter ring gear (misspelled it...sorry).
More history on the's registered as experimental, built through the 80's in Canada. It has just under 400 hrs tt. (powered by an O235) According to the blueprints and paperwork it's empty weight is 954. It's rated at 1650 gross per registration. Keep in mind that it was built as an experimental with a lot of the upgrade mods such as struts, strut attachments, extended baggage, PA18 torque tube, dual wing tanks, fittings, etc. Also, I purchased it with a set of floats to use in the future. Will this throw a wrench into hand propping/safety? I am a low time pilot looking to pursue this as an interest. The locals have been expressing that the weight is a disadvantage. I'm torn because the locals do not have the advantage of an electrical system. Am I reading too much into this??