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Dust Seal

Ron Babos

Registered User
Woodstock , Ontario
Need a dust seal for the 4028 Cleveland wheel. The one that covers the bearing and has the 3 screws for attachment. It also has a center screw for a hub cap attachment. The inside of one of mine is all gouged to rat sh$t from a poorly installed cotter pin.
The 158-01000 is the cap with the three attach points and center attach for the hub cap.
dist cap

Correct, it's the 158-01000 cap that I need. One that has no groove worn in it from the cotter pin.
Looked in my Univair catalog, they call this p/n 158-01000 a "hub cap", what I would call a hubcap goes on over that (secured by the center screw), they call it a "dust shield" p/n 157-00200.
Anyway, hang onto your hat, the Univair price book sez p/n 158-01000 is worth $92.80. :eek:
I think I'd shop around. Maybe check with Preferred Airparts (sales@preferredairparts.com) , they seem to have good Cleveland prices. Or check a salvage place. Or maybe steal one off a ramp queen somewhere! :roll:

dust cap

Redrooster: I saw the price. When hell freezes over. :evil: I'm sure they sell like hot cakes. NOT. Found some used ones , but have the cotter groove in them also. Seems to be a common problem with them.
Get some liquid aluminum stuff and fill the groove. Its just a dust cover. Make sure the cotter key is installed properly. :D
dust cap

T.J.Hinkle: Cause then I would have a dust cap with a groove and filler in it. I still know it's there. :lol: