As said before on this thread,
I now have close to 900 hours total flying time. Of course, this is mostly commercial 180 or 185 operation over a few seasons, but this is still on anothers plane.
when I finished my PPL, The 172 here at the school was 130 dollars an hour. Wet. I was working at the airport, half time in the maintenance shop, half time pumping gas. On guy who flew his Cessna 150 about 2 or 3 times a year offered me hours @40 dollars/hour, with my own gas... hey, thats a hell of a deal to me! about a year later, a farmer for whom I worked told me I could fly his 12 anytime, just put gas... he insured the plane and sent me the bill... I didnt mind at all, he was already nice enough to lend me his plane. I eneded of doing 100 hours on that 12, wheels and skis, but hes also responsable for another I will never forgive him for... He gave the cub disease!!!!!! who wants to forgive a guy for that heh?!!!
Moral of the sorty is, for me also, if it wasnt for generous peopple, i would of never been able to learn how to fly cubs!