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Do you let others fly your cub?

GirlCubPilot said:
... and now, Ron won't even let me "store" his big fat tires for him while he rebuilds his cub!!! :)

I took me a while to find a safe deposit box, big enough for those BW 31's!
I have been offered many times but the way I was raised I won't use something I can't afford to replace be it Cars, trucks, etc.....
Would never ask, but when offered I've flown others(except sj's, too many buttons,knobs,gadgets,wizwheels, electro-techno stuff for me). I've offered mine to others with out hesitation. And those that have asked have not been denied, yet. I'm old school (some might say stupid). If I let someone take my bird and it gets wrecked its no ones fault but my own. I only carry liabilty insurance in the event that comes into play. Several people flew her at New Holstien last year. Whole different perspective seeing your own bird in the air, lot of pride !!
As said before on this thread,

I now have close to 900 hours total flying time. Of course, this is mostly commercial 180 or 185 operation over a few seasons, but this is still on anothers plane.

when I finished my PPL, The 172 here at the school was 130 dollars an hour. Wet. I was working at the airport, half time in the maintenance shop, half time pumping gas. On guy who flew his Cessna 150 about 2 or 3 times a year offered me hours @40 dollars/hour, with my own gas... hey, thats a hell of a deal to me! about a year later, a farmer for whom I worked told me I could fly his 12 anytime, just put gas... he insured the plane and sent me the bill... I didnt mind at all, he was already nice enough to lend me his plane. I eneded of doing 100 hours on that 12, wheels and skis, but hes also responsable for another I will never forgive him for... He gave the cub disease!!!!!! who wants to forgive a guy for that heh?!!!

Moral of the sorty is, for me also, if it wasnt for generous peopple, i would of never been able to learn how to fly cubs!


I have been fortunate to fly a lot of airplanes. I try to return that when I can. Yes, I also share my tools, but not my wife. Several of my neighbors have a key to my hangar and free access to my tools and the 170 too. I guess I am taking a risk but I refuse to live in fear of lawyers and lawsuits.

THANK YOU to all who have been kind enough to let me fly your plane.
Steve, Dave, Mark, Wilbur, Paul, Glen, Dean etc, etc

Re: To Pa-12 Pilot...

CptKelly said:
To PA-12 Pilot:
Wouldn't one have to have a plane registered to him BEFORE it would be legally viewed as his? I doubt that a dollar sale immediately before a flight would be legal. What do you lawyers think?

I had a situation once where I made a precautionary landing due to fog forming in a really really tight spot. Didn't care that I might ding the plane, but ended up pulling off landing with no damage, not a scratch. There was no way I was going to fly it out of there without a 50/50 chance I would wreck it. I elected to get Kenai Helicopter's to sling it out. They would only do it if I sold it to them for $1. We completed the FAA bill of sale with date and time. I understood that was the point of transaction, me handing them the "pink slip" and taking their $1. Hard part was getting him to reverse transaction after a successful sling (he was only joking with me). I think that is legal, date and time on the Bill of Sale. Since nothing really occurred, he just handed the pink slip back and I tore it up. If he had to pickle it and the -12 went into the ground in a pile of tubes and rag, then I couldn't press any charges against them as I would not be the owner and have no interest in the aircraft. In that case I am sure he would have sent in the BOS and request for new registration to the FAA. You could do this same type of thing to clear yourself of any liability during use of the plane by others, but it would be a hassle to do in on a regular basis.
I Use the cub to make a living, She sees enough abuse from me.

Yes, a select few can fly her, the person I bought it from, and my friend - hunting partner when/if he takes lessons. The friend is the ONLY person that reached for his check book last engine change.

the champ and other small planes, no prob, cheap, easy to get $ out of.

Oh yeah, I am still waiting for money from the first plane a friend wrecked years ago..... :eek:
J5Ron said:

I will be over next weekend...to help fix that squeeky door...or what-ever else may need some fixin... Oh...where did you put those key??? Seriously, before I had a plane of my own I had a few offers from people...never took them up...still will not fly even my brother-in laws plane... Sounds like a great guy.

Ha! Ha! Ditto! Boy, I wished I was Pznick's neighbor! I am fortunate to know the some great folks in Spokane who allow me to fly their Cub (dual). I enjoy the heck out of that and keeps me motivated on my project.