Inkom, Idaho
Yesterday, I was along about 100' up and at 60 MPH, coming back down a high canyon I had turned into from the valley, at about 6500'. A slight down grade so only turning 1500 at the prop, so super quiet (Rotax powered, but I did the math) and noted 2 critters on a hillside, and figured them for cattle. As I motored on by them, maybe 200' just for a second, they didn't move, and didn't even look at me, At the same time I was thinking how the last of the cattle seen were about 10 minutes earlier, when I was flying up canyon, these were odd balls I guess. Than I noticed they were not cattle, but coyotes. Than, as I was now past them, it occurred to me they were much too big, and darker in color, but mostly too darn big. And they didn't spook like every coyote I've snuck up on, that's when I figured they were wolves. NOT saying they were as big as cattle, but big enough to think that for a second, from a distance. This area is only about 40 miles from a cafe in Mackay where locals have posted pictures, one being a wolf so big I thought it was photoshopped at first, so no real surprise.
But back to my question: that "just standing there" part, that's what really stuck in my mind. Maybe I have flown over 'yotes that didn't spook so I didn't see them, but these two sure seemed to act different, and sure were big.
But back to my question: that "just standing there" part, that's what really stuck in my mind. Maybe I have flown over 'yotes that didn't spook so I didn't see them, but these two sure seemed to act different, and sure were big.
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