Dakota cub is active and very much alive. The shop of 8 employees is doing the best we can on orders and phone calls. Send me an email
Phone is a challenge for me. If I'm on it I'm not shipping parts. If I'm shipping parts the phone goes unanswered. Sorry for that inconvenience. I try to multitask as much as possible to handle the calls and shipping. I had a truck yesterday that took be all in all about 23 hours of time to package everything that left. Manually hand counting pieces, labeling bags, checking parts off lists, etc.
I did finally hire some part time shipping help and have been training which takes time and patience as people aren't born with cub knowledge or where parts are, what's required for paperwork as it's certified parts etc. Also, had just under 3,600 parts returned from plating last week so have been hand counting to ensure receipt accuracy and putting it all away -- while filling orders that have those parts backordered.
Really sorry you all feel the way you do. Covid isn't the problem and hasn't been for the most part. Although, it has affected the desire of people to want to do labor.
We're lucky to live in SD where we didn't shut down. We did get nervous for business and didn't want to lay anyone off during COVID. We took on a lot of repairs since we're a certified repair station. These projects set us back a bit with the boom of parts that were being (and continue) to be ordered. We can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel since re-vamping quantities of parts production.
Thank you for your patience. We manufacture nearly every component for cubs from raw material. Takes time with multiple steps and processes for each part. We are working long hours and weekends to keep up with the demand. Please don't take this the wrong way as I'm not complaining just providing info.
Things have taken me a bit of time to learn since I'm new to aviation - I have a Masters Degree in Education and a Bachelors Degree in Biology and had been previously teaching high school science. I've been cleaning up records and trying to make sure orders are going out accurately since that's been a complaint in the past as well. Overall trying to do too many things all at once probably...but for the benefit of customers and ourselves. It just takes time.. which I dedicate a lot of time here, bringing my kids out a few nights a week.
Like I said, send me an email and I'll get to you right away. And, if you want a job..... :smile: No income tax in SD.
Mmorford@dakotacub.com or
info@dakotacub.com if you can't get me on the phone.