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Dakota Cub issues


Registered User
I ordered a couple jack screw and yoke assemblies from Dakota Cub. Waited almost two weeks. No order or shipping confirmation recieved. I call them back and ask about status. I'm told they haven't gotten around to shipping them yet and would probably get them out this week. I call Univair and order the same parts. I'm told they would go out same day and I would have them by the weekend. I call Dakota Cub back to cancel and am told they could ship tomorrow if I really need them. I said no thanks and cancelled the order. If I depended on my aircraft for my livelyhood or was stuck somewhere I'd be more upset. I've been impressed with their products and understand they have had some bad luck with Sun and Fun and all, but poor customer service is no way to run a company. I hope this was an isolated incident. Anyone else have these types of issues with Dakota Cub?
I ordered a couple jack screw and yoke assemblies from Dakota Cub. Waited almost two weeks. No order or shipping confirmation recieved. I call them back and ask about status. I'm told they haven't gotten around to shipping them yet and would probably get them out this week. I call Univair and order the same parts. I'm told they would go out same day and I would have them by the weekend. I call Dakota Cub back to cancel and am told they could ship tomorrow if I really need them. I said no thanks and cancelled the order. If I depended on my aircraft for my livelyhood or was stuck somewhere I'd be more upset. I've been impressed with their products and understand they have had some bad luck with Sun and Fun and all, but poor customer service is no way to run a company. I hope this was an isolated incident. Anyone else have these types of issues with Dakota Cub?


Sorry to hear that this is the case. Jordan text messaged me at around 8 pm last Friday saying you were wondering if the order had shipped so I looked around and didn't see it so I figured it had shipped. Unfortunately, I don't have the login to our FedEx system so I couldn't check that for you and since it was 8 pm I couldn't ask RJ about the order. Had I know even as late as 4 or 5 I could have personally driven the box to FedEx if need be. Or, I could have brought them back to Mankato with me and driven them home tomorrow night for free as I will be back in HXF late tomorrow for Jordan's birthday.

You are correct, Sun 'n' Fun was rough for us but we are on the rebound. That should not affect your order and we are looking for ways to overhaul our fulfillment system this summer (when I am there full-time) so that things like this don't get overlooked and forgotten.

While I might not be at Dakota Cub HQ full time yet (will be after the 8th of May), I can still help out with these issues and helped DA get a replacement rib after his was crushed in shipping. If any of you ever have problems, feel free to PM me. I am here to help! 8)

Wow, I have absolutely ZERO complaints about Dakota Cub. ZERO, NADA, NEIN!!

I sure hope you guys aired your displeasure to Dakota before you aired it here.

I am not invalidating you.......just hope that you have communicated your negative experience directly to them. They will want that communication, and that communication can assist in a resolution.

Thanks. DAVE
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I,ve also had numerous dealings with Mark and his crew in the past 10 years or so and I'm with Dave. My experience has been nothing but TOP NOTCH. and as far as their products,,, We as cub drivers are fortunate to have folks like them who are willing to risk personal fortunes to improve upon products to keep our Cubs flying. Nothing against Univair, but given the choice, I would have waited an extra day or two for parts from Dakota Cub especially considering the fact they had thier whole world litterally turned upside down at Sun-n-fun. Just my 2 cents.
In addition to producing beautifully engineered, reliable, cost effective products, Dakota Cub has been a very generous supporter of Supercub.org. We all appreciate the great work they do and I know we will remain enthusiastic patrons of Dakota Cub. We wish them the greatest success.
I bought a compete flap kit for my 90 hp cub last year. The parts and service were great and the price was mre than fair. Mark, RJ. and crew make great parts that fit and I had them in my hands way faster than I was ready for them. All these companies get slammed once in awhile, would you rather they raise prices to pay for more help or sometimes have to wait a few days for your order... I'm in the wait a few days camp!!

I too appreciate the fact that there are the Dakota Cubs, Cub Crafters and Univairs out there. I try to spread the wealth around as I believe that competition is benificial to us all. I did give them a call when I was concerned and was told that they hadn't gotten around to my order and would probably get to it later in the week. When I called back to cancel my order and told them that Univair would ship immediately they said it could go out as early as tomorrow if I wished. No, "I'm sorry. What can we do to keep your business?" "I apologize for the delay." "Your order got misplaced." Just an "ok your order is cancelled."

Amy, I appreciate your looking into it. However I shouldn't have to ask for favors. I'm just a customer like everyone else. I'm not trying to bash anyone on this site nor am I looking for anything out of it. I'm sure it just got misplaced as I did call late on a Friday afternoon. I was just wondering if this was a trend with the company. If so, others in the Cub community should be aware of it as with any other product or company. If no one has had any similar issues then mine was a fluke and I apologize to the Dakota folks. I've seen your products and I think they are of top quality. If it's a customer service issue then there can be improvement and that's what these forums are all about.
I have never had problems with Dakota Cub. I have spoken with RJ several times and I can say that his customer service was very good. He is a very nice man and understood my questions and what I was trying to do on my project. I purchased their fuel gauge STC for my -12. The quality is excellent. I would use them again in a heartbeat.;-)
I have always been happy with Dakota Cub. Stuff happens, I think
You will be doing yourself a disfavor if you don't try them again.
i have to agree that DC has bailed me out of trouble in the past and they got on it as soon as i hobbled in. I was visiting washington from San Diego, had some mag issues, and with gunny basically holding my hand, i met mark over at DC. they jumped on my problem and fixed it with a smile. :lol: They did a great job for me and i won't soon forget it.

i also want to agree with the previous comment about contacting the locally owned business FIRST, before going to the new to bitch a fit. Locally owned and opperated businesses opperated differently and are held to a higher standard, as they should be. Customer service is a must and they should be given the opportunity to fix the issue BEFORE the bitch hits the fan(WEB) if at that point they don't do anything about, well, i guess then is the time to go to the next level, but at least give the local businesse the chance to make it up to you. Enen then, life happens. the little guys, i think, deserve a little more slack. It is tremendously expensive to opperate a businesses and most local businesses arn't sitting on cash reserves to plug the hole when funds are short. who know the reasons why, but as a local busiensse myself, i sure appreciate the extra consideration.

i will step off my soap box now.:-?
Thumbs up for DC from another satisfied customer.

S&F must have hurt, but they never stopped answering my emails...:-)

If disatisfied and with so many different vendors, I'd take my business somewhere else and keep quiet about it... if ripped off, then I'd vent to keep others away...

Me? I will be taking my business back to any of the aforementioned vendors...:-) ... sooner than later...

My 2 cents ;-)
I like what I here so I just ordered the flap return springs I need from DC. Keep it "in the family" so to speak.
Was just wondering if others had similar experiences. It looks like my experience was just an odd event. Thanks for the replies.
Most people probably aren't going to post anything negative, on a public forum.. GA is a small world.. Cubs is even a smaller one.....
I too appreciate the fact that there are the Dakota Cubs, Cub Crafters and Univairs out there. I try to spread the wealth around as I believe that competition is benificial to us all. I did give them a call when I was concerned and was told that they hadn't gotten around to my order and would probably get to it later in the week. When I called back to cancel my order and told them that Univair would ship immediately they said it could go out as early as tomorrow if I wished. No, "I'm sorry. What can we do to keep your business?" "I apologize for the delay." "Your order got misplaced." Just an "ok your order is cancelled."

Amy, I appreciate your looking into it. However I shouldn't have to ask for favors. I'm just a customer like everyone else. I'm not trying to bash anyone on this site nor am I looking for anything out of it. I'm sure it just got misplaced as I did call late on a Friday afternoon. I was just wondering if this was a trend with the company. If so, others in the Cub community should be aware of it as with any other product or company. If no one has had any similar issues then mine was a fluke and I apologize to the Dakota folks. I've seen your products and I think they are of top quality. If it's a customer service issue then there can be improvement and that's what these forums are all about.

Trying to rebuild the post I accidentally lost (d'oh!).

This is a legitimate complaint and it should not have happened. One of my projects this summer will be analyzing these sorts of events to best figure out how we can prevent these things from happening. We promise to work hard to improve our service and sincerely apologize to Paul for his experience and especially for the resulting airplane downtime.

You should all feel free to PM me with any questions or complaints, and if you have had a negative experience, please contact me with what happened and how (if) it was resolved. (Don't be afraid, I am friendly :))

We are extremely appreciative of the positive comments that have been posted here and will work to continue to live up to those expectations. If anyone ever has any problems, don't hesitate to let me know--I can't promise to move heaven and earth but I will try 8)

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You gotta be kidding? Negative posting at the drop of a hat is a way of life on the internet.

I am not a big customer of Dakota Cub, but have bought some small parts to restore a J-3 wing or two. I have always been impressed with the service and quality.

When we were thinking about new Super Cub wings, Mark offered to drive them out here, since he was already coming. I could not convince my buddy that he should do it, so CC got the job. Twice the price, although I would have done the covering for materials only. Someday I will convince a rich buddy that he needs slotted and squared wings. Hot digs!
You're not the only one.

Was just wondering if others had similar experiences. It looks like my experience was just an odd event. Thanks for the replies.

I can't really be bothered with Dakota Cub. I've found they're not good at replying to e-mails and getting stuff to me has always been a problem for them. For this reason I generally stick to Univair. On the odd occasion I have got stuff from Dakota no complaints with the quality, though I question the wisdom of plating welded together steel parts with lap joints, but I figured they'd probably thought about that.

In the end listening to how all the fine folk on Supercub.org rave about Dakota Cub I put it all down to dealing with someone on the other side of the world being just a bit too hard and I don't really blame them for that. I continue to watch what they do with interest.
