Thanks Steve I am going to weld in the fittings in my tanks this weekend. I really don`t want to use the old drop down gauges outside the wing. I just hope the PA 18 sight gauges will read correctly on my tanks.
Do the Dakota sight gauges come with the tank fittings? I have been looking at adding sight gauges to my tanks for an experimental and the fittings have been the stumbling point. Thanks.
We have Dakota Cub Gauges in N18SY. We have just 2.0 hrs on the plane so I can't comment about reliability but the gauges have the advantage of being easy to clean and to repair leaks -- so far they are bone dry. When we filled the tanks for the first time the plastic balls disappeared above the window but now with 2.0 hrs the balls in the 3 point attitude show just over half full.
I've got the Dakota Cub sight gauges on my PA-12, that connect to the Dakota Cub fuel tanks with hoses. The fuel tanks & gauges each have fittings that are threaded on one end & a hose barb on the other end.
The engine gets real quiet when the gauge reads empty.....