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Combat Ready Legend Cub

Perhaps this is a stupid question, but does a "greenhouse" require a STC on this variant. If so----that can cost the manufacturer a lot of money that may never be realized. on the other hand, if a STC is not required, perhaps no one is interested in a "greenhouse" in a legend cub. It still would not be cost effective.
Univiar gets $602.50 to install L21 frame work on a new fuselage. Then you have to fit the plexiglass and make new trim channels. Kinda labor intensive to do it right. On a certified non Piper aircraft you then would have to submit drawings to get it approved and then possibly another flight test.
In the LSA category, the concept of an STC does not exist, as there is no type certificate. Under the current thinking, the manufacturer has an approval process for changes that they must follow. I know that when Legend wants to add a prop to the product line as an option they must flight test it an show results to the FAA. I don't know if a change like adding a greenhouse would require the same level of testing and approval, but I bet the FAA would have some interest.

This whole thing raises the question of how third parties get changes approved when the OEM is either not interested or out of business. For example, skis are not approved on the Legend. There hasn't been a lot of snow in Texas lately. Even if someone in Maine wanted to do it, they'd have to work with the factory. There hasn't even been enough in NY to do it, or I would have volunteered already :D .

That seems to be the big problem with new LSAs. I wonder if the E-LSA cures that? The FAA has pretty much killed reasonable mods without DAR approval, but the experimental Cub has no such problems.