The case of the lady killed in Ovando highlights some unfortunately very common problems in bear country. First, the lady who was killed and her party were preparing and consuming food in and around their tents. DO NOT store, prepare or consume food in the area where you're going to sleep.
Second, that bear had been in town recently, raiding chicken coops. Perhaps someone warned these campers of that, but frankly, this happens frequently. "Everybody" knows there's a bear around, till someone shows up who doesn't.
That was a tragedy. No doubt, but it never should have happened.
Like Spinner, I am not a big fan of pepper spray for bear deterrence. I much prefer guns. That said, I've carried guns for many years, and have been through some fairly extensive training with them.
When I worked in AK, ALL our crews were required to be armed with 12 gauge shotguns for bear protection. They were also trained with bear spray, we'd always prefer not to kill a bear unless it was necessary. Our policy required carrying a 12 gauge with slugs, a very powerful, and easy to use firearm. We always had folks that wanted to qualify with their .44 magnum. For a lot of years, I ran the qualification and certification our outfit required. I never had anyone fail to meet the basic standard with a 12 gauge (some of them took a good bit of training and practice), but I never had anyone qualify with a .44. Our qualification required shooting a moving target (charging, that is.). Message: Carry the firearm you practice with and are proficient with. I have a .40 which handles some pretty hot ammunition. I know I can shoot that thing, so it's what I'll carry.
And, please, if you're going to take a gun into the back country and tent camp, don't shoot your neighbor in his tent.....
That said, the thing that worked best by far was the use of lightweight electric fences around camp sites. In many years with three to four crews camping in bear country all summer, we never had a bear in camp, after we started using electric fences. Well, that's not totally true....there was the bull moose who ran through one camp, with a brown bear in hot pursuit. Moose took the fence with him as he passed through. Bear was in high gear going through camp. Woke us all up, but no harm, no foul.
Oh, yeah, you also have to keep the gate closed too.
And, for you over the hill types with overachiever prostates, be advised that when you get up at 2 AM to pee, make certain you know where that electric fence is....just sayin.