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Carlson's ribs


Registered User
pacific northwest
Has anyone used Carlson Aircraft, Inc (located in Ohio) ribs and if so what do you think.

I've also hear a few guys say that the D&E ribs are junk but didn't say why, anyone have experience with them?
I dont know DW,,,,, Claytons Ribs in Graham are pretty good... and that orange thing they have for desert tops it all.... 8)
DW if memory serves me right Dave Smith in Independance Oregon who scratch built his SC put D&E wings in her. PM me and I'll get his phone number to you.
Legend tried the D&E ribs on their first Cub. They had to do a lot of fluting and straightening as i remember it. I remember seeing the Carlson ribs at Sun & Fun many years ago and they looked like a good rib to me. The pulled pork sandwiches that Bill Tracy and I had at Clayton's for lunch today were great as where the few bites of Cathy's jalapeno sausage that I stole. :lol: Dennis, are we gonna see you in Feb? I hope so and be sure and bring Shannon. Lee has lots to learn you. :wink:
I talked with Mary Carlson today and she told me there rib weighs 6.8 oz ---a little heavy for my liking. I also talked with Christian aka bugs66 via e-mail and he used D&E in his cub and had no problems with them and very light to, so I need to get my hands on one of there ribs.
I'll sure try to make it down this Feb. Steve, but I don't know if Shannon will make it---she needs to work to keep me in a lifestyle I'm a custom to. Might try to drag Glenn aka CubChaser down there with me, If John is coming tell him no more chick beer I don't want to lose my man card again this year.:drinking:


I just put together a Carlson wing last week. The ribs are very strong and it went on together easily. Carlson also builds the Wag-Aero rib. You can get the PMA or experimental.

Not sure if the others weigh less or not - I know compared to a stock Piper rib, the Carlson rib feels a lot stronger.

Heres a shot:

http://bushwhackerair.com/wing spar ribs.JPG
I have Carlson ribs and they are heavier but I'm happy with the quality. If you buy them not needing the PMA paperwork they are considerably less money. I understand every ounce counts on your type of build but in my case I figure I will start skipping pie and if that doesn't do it there is always nitrous oxide.

Are you experimental or certified? They look extremely easy to make. Why not make your own? Just make some wooden form blocks and go for it. Just for material costs and a little time.

Through phone calls and e-mails I have found that the D&E rib is much heavier then I thought, it comes in at 11.2 ozs per rib. still waiting to here from CC on there ribs.

Seems high. Did they give you the Riblet or Cub weight? The Riblet is quite a bit bigger.
I talked with J Scot at D&E and he said it was the cub three piece rib. I'm going to take a look at building my own.
Chris I'm going to get a new scale and will reweigh the stock ribs, I'll post the results as soon as I can.

With new scale in hand my weights on the stock full aileron rib is 6.82 to 6.89 ozs. when checking several ribs. with my old scale it was 3.45 and up--- that scale is now resting peacefully in the bottom of the trash can.

Chris--- Just put one foot on the scale at a time, your probably just like the rest of us---the CG just keeps moving forward over the belt.

Chris the wing you put together with Carlson ribs---was that the T rib or the L rib?
carlson ribs

i have a homebuilt sporttrainer i have the carlson ribs they seem to be a good strong rib there i bit lower on the top but my plane is fast i get 92 on northair floats at 2400 i have a 0-200 with 85 hp pistons i put vortex gen on it works great
where did you end up buying ribs for your project.
Your pics of your new bird sure look great.
I went with CubCrafters, They were the lightest I found and good and strong. I bought the set of ribs that would go on the Sport cub and then added the exra stuff I needed, great ribs I love em, call Becky because these are special order only.
What ya building??

I am collecting parts to build a set of metal spar wings.
I keep looking at your pictures and think you are going to have a
Very nice cub.
Has Carlsons went out of business? I tried to contact them to purchase some ribs. Seems like Wicks has some of their products, but not their ribs. Anyone know if anyone is producing their ribs?