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Carbon Cub Lands on Heli Pad in Dubai

I like doing dumb stuff. Over time I have gotten better at it. Don't really do it for others, I just like the rush I get from doing it. My Mom thinks I am crazy but my Dad gets it. My wife and kids just expect it. I just have limited budget and resources.

Yep! And unlike most of us you have the skills to extract yourself from most anything that could go awry! That's where the Patey's came into play in the Burj Al Arab stunt. I thought Mike's video on the work they did to that cub was possibly the best part of the whole thing.

I think SQ's are awesome too, wouldn't dare get into a STOL contest with one! I'm just a lazy man and the slick marketing/brochures/order form/transparent builder assit situation at CC sure did make it easier to buy a new airplane than what seemed like secret backroom illuminati stuff to get an SQ built with help! To be fair I didn't investigate too deeply though.
Yep! And unlike most of us you have the skills to extract yourself from most anything that could go awry! That's where the Patey's came into play in the Burj Al Arab stunt. I thought Mike's video on the work they did to that cub was possibly the best part of the whole thing.

I think SQ's are awesome too, wouldn't dare get into a STOL contest with one! I'm just a lazy man and the slick marketing/brochures/order form/transparent builder assit situation at CC sure did make it easier to buy a new airplane than what seemed like secret backroom illuminati stuff to get an SQ built with help! To be fair I didn't investigate too deeply though.

Go fly an SQ and fly an FX3. One flies very slow and one flies pretty slow but has lots of finesse and is a really nice flying airplane. They both have their place.
'Self Promotion' is a modern and very successful business model. Who would have thought?

Generalizing here: for us that have the wonderful opportunity to do what we do, I view the video as an overall positive for aviation. I have received comments from friends that are not pilots and thought it was amazing. Younger (or older, whatever that means) people might take that first step towards aviation.

Your assertion about self promotion is spot on. Seems like you could make a living these days with no skills at all if you promoted yourself enough. Not talking about the Kardashians - no - really.

And while this stunt may have pushed some folks to consider aviation, are the kind of folks inspired by something like this the kind of folks we want to share the skies with? If you need to plumb the edges of the envelope to enjoy the activity, maybe it's not the right activity for you. "Extreme" is very popular among a lot of folks these days - but not something I want a pilot to view as positive.
Some people might think it was extreme when I did first flight in my experimental aircraft.

I think some things never change; the need for adventure. It's just that technology has allowed us to have greater adventures. And now you can show the world your adventures if you choose to.
Somehow growing up with Looney Toons, The Dukes of Hazard and Evel Kenival, I never jumped my car over the sheriff or the Snake River Canyon. I don't think this is going to lead to a rash of people landing on top of sky scrapers. Good for all involved in trying this. Sure we have seen shorter landings and take offs but at 600' feet up with penalties for being long or short? This was pretty good. The build video is fun to watch. The fuel system, prop and suspension were an innovation and improvement. Good that someone thought of it and wanted to take it on. Sad that it there is zero way that could be attempted here. Good for CubCrafters, Mike Patey and Red Bull. We are lucky there is a company that is run by someone who evidently has a bug for aviation and promotes it probably beyond what makes sense to sell drinks. Good for them and good for us! How someone can say this is a bad thing is a little baffling to me. This used to be what they good old USA is all about.
Another thing that the good old USA is all about is people having diverse opinions, and respecting each other for that….
That brought back memories!





The ramp he used was still visible last time I thought to eyeball it while flying by. The canyon there is gnarly, nothing I'd want to jump OR descend into via chute. He didn't pay his bills (according to a Butte building contractor) but he sure had gonads.