brown bear
Registered User
emporia ks
If there were more airplanes with slats there would be more old pilots!
If I may, a slightly different perspective on "safe" wings. I think it's how close to the edge of the wing's capability that one flies, that determines safety, assuming the wing is predictable.
Serious questions.
1) has anyone out there fitted slats to a Carbon Cub wing?
On the other side is the speed difference. The CC is noticeable faster, 110-115 mph on 7-8 gph with 29" tires.
I've landed it on gravel bars with big rocks, grassy slopes, and high ridges and it did the job admirably. I work in northwestern arctic in Alaska with a 206 part of the year landing on everything you can think of... Would a CC stand up to that kind of use and abuse every day?? I don't think so.
I've only ridden in the back seat of a CC. Never flown one. But I can see where you might make this analogy. Although I'm not sure I'd want to sit in a fishing net 11 hours a day for six days. Might be fine, I just don't know. But I sat in my SQ-2 for 11 hours a day for six days. Zero pain or discomfort. Oregon Aero makes fantastic seats....Using cars for comparison I had the impression I was driving a Land Rover with the CC EX...
I'll have to assume your knowledge of american trucks is stuck in the 1970's (Damn good time the 70's - at least until 1974, then things went to hell) You'd be correct to compare the SQ-2 to the Ford Raptor - a purpose built production desert racing truck born and breed in Baja. Every other 4x4 ever made would have parts flying off if they even attempted to keep up with a Raptor in a serious off-road environment. Oh yea, I drive a Raptor.The SQ-2 felt like a rebuilt '70s Chevy or Ford (loyalists don't hate on me) with a lift, big tires, loud exhaust and that monster truck invincibility
Nope. Like comparing Mercedes to Yugo. Although who knows what Yugo might have come up with if NATO hadn't bombed the factory.Do I dare make the Apple vs Microsoft comparison??
I also have a C-T41B which came from Cessna with a 206 nose gear. Last summer I made one landing with it where a friend and I landed our Cubs on his ranch and got my teeth rattled. I wouldn't do that again in the Cessna. My point being that what seemed like a non-event in the Cub was terribly rough in the Cessna.
The CC EX is as tough as any Cub. And in the opinion of those who've compared the fuselage of the CC to a PA18, stronger in that regard too. The big difference is that the top longerons on the CC replaces the turtle deck and puts bigger triangles between the upper and lower longerons.
...This is what I'm thinking as of now:
Javron regular width cub with all the strength modifications,...
Its pretty personal.