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Calendar Campaign Status and Shipping Status 12-23-2013


Staff member
Northwest Arkansas
Twas the night before the night before Christmas...

The first three batches of calendars have been shipped as of today. The second batch shipped a week ago, the first batch almost a month ago.

We still have some calendars left, so if you are a procrastinator there is still time - but not time to get them by Christmas.

I hope you all have a very enjoyable Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Bah Humbug

have not seen mine.

Oh well, not lots of decorations here, nor much for a plan... just enjoying life. or trying.

merry Christmas SJ, Laura and Billy. May your holidays be filled with success!
Nothing yet. I signed up in Sept, and took advantage of the November special and signed up early for 2014. With both sign up I should be at the $50 level and get 2 calendars.

Still hopeful. The free Cub Crafter calendar did come though...just saying.

Merry Christmas everyone, and Peace on earth.
Aktango - yours should be at your po box long before now.
Busbart, you were in batch 3 - so yours just shipped the other day
Marshmallow, I screwed up your order and will ship overnight to you.

Folks, with 900 orders, many of them "special", we do make some mistakes and I greatly apologize. Don't hesitate to contact me to check status. Next year, I am going to try to send the ship date and tracking at the same time when they ship.

P.S. This is not meant to start a rant on the speed and accuracy of our postal service, but it is as bad as I have ever seen it this year.

SJ, I must say that you are a man of your word. A couple days ago when I emailed you about not receiving my calendars even though others in Anchorage had, you emailed me right back and said something was wrong with my address and would express mail them right away, that was 2 days ago and FedX delivered them today. "YOU THE MAN". I had heard that my cub was featured as Mrs. April and the only floatplane in the calendar, I am flattered the your photo committe chose my plane photo from the thousands that were submitted. In my humbled opinion, this is by far the best calendar ever. Living and flying in Alaska allows us to see some of the most spectacular country imaginable, but this calander gives the SC.org members the opportunity to see different parts of the world we can only dream about visiting with our cubs. Each year I look very closely at each and every photo and pick out my favorite and this year was tough because of the quality of those submitted, but I got to tell you, when I sit and stare at the June photo of the cub sitting so peasefully in the water on the South coast of Iceland, it takes me to a better place, a place to get away from all the political correctness that world demands today!
Thanks for all you do that make Super Cub .org what it is.
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Any chance of extra calendars mine have been disappearing to the point that I no longer have one for myself. Time to change the combination on the hangar door.
There is a good chance that I will be able to offer members the ability to purchase some extras. Have to wait until the final count is in.

