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Best shock system on a certified super cub


Registered User
Hi Everyone, I am new to super cub ownership and loving every minute! Been looking a shock options and cannot find much for a certified super cub?

Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you in advance!
I have a grass strip at my house and its pretty rough! Just passed my check ride the other day in the super cub. Wanting the added safety of not rebounding as bad and smooth out my strip. Those springs in the seat get a little bouncy running down my strip!lol
You might start with big bushwheels and lower pressure if you aren’t doing that already. I like my AOSS and the fact that it’s a set it and forget it type of deal. Something less to worry about. I’ve flown Acmes on a S-7 and they seemed pretty nice. No experience on an -18. Tony and Tom are familiar with them. Maybe they’ll chime in.

Watch this years Valdez competition and the white and red cub with the Berlinger set up. Get out your checkbook or be ready to melt your CC however.
Get ya big girl to sit in the back... it will dampen things right up!

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You didn’t say what you have for tires. The AOSS and a set of ABW 31’s cost about the same. I agree with KevenJ and go with the 31’s first unless you can afford both. That said, I love my AOSS. Both the wheels and the shocks are about $4000 each but they really do help. If I could only have one, I’d go with the 31’s.
31’ s do soak up a lot. I’ll testify to that. Drop a couple pounds out and they get real spongy.

31’s eat less than them big girls too which = ‘s more money for parts !

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Not an -18, but I really like the AOSS on my -12. Helps on the rough strips and the nice strips where the pilot tries to get multiple touchdowns per landing. :oops:
Thanks everyone for the input. I have 8.50 on there now and they are getting some weather cracking on them so I have to buy some new tires. I am wanting to buy some 31 BW but I am about 30% on pavement. That has got be worried about tearing them up to fast! I hear opinions all over the map about how much pavement they can handle. I am about half and half on BW or 26 GY.
Good Years are harder sidewall, and heavier I believe. If you want better no bounce, go with the AOSS, extended gear too for best prop clearance. I have a supercub and two Huskies, all with extended gear and AOSS, it works. One Husky with 31's, other Husky and cub have 35's. 35's are for more off field work, 31's or even 29's are good for most else. I am on pavement for taxi and takeoff in some areas, otherwise mostly dirt. AOSS is the best route for no bounce, no maint.
Bushwheels have an extra tread option for around 200 bucks per tire that adds more rubber. That is what I would recommend even if you don't spend much time on pavement. AOSS is well worth the money if you are trying to land and stop short. They keep the tire on the ground so you can brake more effectively.