So, if my Grove brakes and ABW wheels hold 240-ish HP twisting a CS prop at full power on 35s.... why should I change? Serious question.
It sounds like for your applicationyour brakes are doing everything you need them to do, plus you already have them on the plane. The OP is starting with a clean slate, so imho why wouldnt wouldnt he go with the lightweight powerfull option such as Beringer? I did not have Grove on my plane but rather Cleveland set ups. For me they would not hold my IO540 with CS prop so I made the change and now have the ability to hold even WOT if I choose to.
Maybe the Grove brakes would have worked, but I have zero regrets with Beringer. BTW Beringer isnt exactly new to the brake world either.
While bugees are well proven you will never convince me to remove my Acme and Install them. Come to think of magnetos are well proven too but it did not stop me from putting electronic ignition in either. Did I mention I am removing the well proven vacuum pump and going with a elctronic dash.
In the end we all get to decide how and what we build, after all isn't that the fun part, I mean besides flying of course.