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Bellanca Citabria 7ECA vs American Champion 7GCAA


Registered User
St. Louis, MO
7ECA vs 7GCAA (same aircraft, different engine.)

I, with partners, own a 1974 7ECA 115hp and a friend and her husband have recently purchased a 2002 7GCAA 160hp.
I had the opportunity this weekend to fly each of these aircraft and have some observations;

7GCAA leaps off the runway much quicker and climbs at around 1200fpm initially.
The 7ECA takes probably 3 times the runway to get off and climbs at about 7-800 fpm initially.
40 degrees F and me and 3/4 fuel.

7GCAA cruises at 2,000ft at 2400 rpm at 120 mph indicated.
7ECA cruises at 2,000ft at 2500 rpm at 105 mph indicated.
They both land the same.

When doing a loop, I have to dive to get 140 mph entry speed and the 7GCAA takes less altitude to do this so it ends up using about 200ft less altitude to do a loop and the extra power makes a difference over the top.

I am not a test pilot and am a self taught aerobatic pilot :crazyeyes: so my observations are just that. Your mileage may vary.

I still like my 7ECA even though it takes about 3 times as long to get back to altitude after a maneuver. The 7GCAA is a reeeealy nice airplane :D .

Thanks for the info!

I've got a 2004 7GCAA going back together as we speak. I look forward to those numbers!
I know this is a cub board but I think American Champion does a good job of carrying on the Citabria, Scout and Decathlon line. I have many hours of pipeline/powerline patrol in a '73 7ECA and you work for everything you get out of it when doing aerobatics.
"you work for everything you get out of it when doing aerobatics."

That is part of the fun doing aerobatics in a low powered airplane.

I had a very experienced aero pilot in my Decathlon a while back. His experience is in Pitts type airplanes. He was not prepared for the control inputs the aircraft takes while inverted - I thought for just a minute that he was going to split-S on me.

On the other hand, I have a tendency to over-control in the Pitts-type airplanes.

My friends at Rare Aircraft swear that the GCAA is the best airplane ever. They do not sell Cubs, of course, but it probably beats all the non-Cub airplanes out there. The new ones are drop-dead gorgeous!
bob turner said:
The new ones are drop-dead gorgeous!

You ever tried to do a fabric repair on the new ones?.....They are pretty but have a friggin' ton of paint on 'em. I hope I can get my repair to blend...Well see!
I am not good enough to blend anything. I take my pinking shears, cut the masking tape, and pretend the edge of the new paint is just a surface tape edge.

I have never seen a really good blending job, even though the hottest Mustang convertible restorers tried it on my car.