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Anyone Know Electronic Coyote callers?

Wannabe Cubdriver

Registered User
Winnipeg, MB
Any coyote hunters in here? I am looking to get an electronic caller and was wondering what opinions in here were. I've been on a couple of big predator hunt forums and did some research there, but I thought I'd check with you guys too. I am trying to decide between a Foxpro FX3 and a Minaska Bandit M1. Any thoughts?


predator hunting

Super Cub and a 12 ga. loaded with BB :D
I like the mouth calls just cuz they are easy to carry. I have used a Critr Call and a squeaker for 20 years and I don't think any more coyotes would have came within range with a electronic call.
just my opinion. results will vary!
Yep Dave is right, mouth calls work fine. Coyotes that aren't accustomed to calls, come pretty good to the calls he mentioned.
By the way Dave, won't be down for antelope this year, didn't get drawn! Will try again next year.
Critr Call and a squeaker...called in two coyotes today in Valdez on the south end of the RW...just squeakin with my hand....
Coyote caller

Do a Google search for homemade electronic coyote caller and you should find directions to make a real simple one for about half the price (or less) than a commercial one. There are even directions how to make one remote controlled. You can then download howls, yips, barks and rabbit screams etc from the internet.
I agree with agpilot, Super Cub and BB.

Yup, mouth calls work, but convincing a hung up coyote is tough when he is looking right at where the noise is coming from. With an e-caller I can mix up my calls with fawn or turkey distress as well. I have considered making my own, it wouldn't be to much trouble, but everyone I know that has done that has upgraded to a commercial call.

The Super Cub and BB looks like a fun idea, but I think the local constabulary would frown heavily on it. I would love to try it sometime though.
In answer too your question,I have a great digital remote control game call that I bought a few years ago. It has remote ability to use volume control and switch between calls. It has a large speaker,gel cell battery and completely enclosed. Mine is all mounted in a small portable carry chair. I use it 10 to 1 over a mouth squeaker call. You can call from where you are not.....I bow hunt and find it lets you fool more noses. I also have recorded horn rattling of bucks fighting. An actual fight that is recorded that you can pause and start in any sequence. I use bird distress calls intermittently with all the calling to add authenticity.

I will take a picture and post it and get you the name of the guy who builds it if I don't forget.

This call to a mouth squeaker call.... is like saying more horsepower....climb prop.... VG's and bushwheels are not an improvment on a stock cub for off-runway flying.

coyote calls

I agree that electronic calls have a place but if your leaving the pickup and going on a big circle it is alot easier to carry several mouth calls. In my experience the most important thing in coyote calling is to not be seen getting to your stand. I know alot of people go to great lengths with camo and such but the very best callers around here that win alot of the contests just know coyotes, Where they will be, Where to call from and when to shoot. I have had 4 coyotes race each other to got to you and run over you so fast a shotgun is the only way to have a chance. Then the next one will hang up at 400 yards and start barking. (a sure sign he has seen you) I have a buddy that can't take the turning and burning of aerial hunting so we fly around and spot a coyote, land a quarter to a half a mile down wind sneak back part way and call him. It works pretty well, I think our best day was 26 but I gunned a few of them from above that would not come. All this was with a mouth call then squeaking with your lips when they get inside hundred yards. Works for us 80+% of the time.

TJ. Come on down anyway. We will go torture some yotes and prairie dogs!
