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Anyone have a photo of a CAP supercub paint scheme?

Alex Clark

Registered User
Life Long Alaskan
I was wondering if anyone had a photo of a Civil Air Patrol paint scheme on a Supercub.

I am collecting photos of various paint jobs. Plus I am looking for any accurate military Supercub photos. I have lots of Belgian and Dutch cubs. But only a couple of the US markings used during the 1950s.
I recovered a CAP 105SP that was originally USAF during the 50's. It was painted using a old CAP photo as a guide, it was silver with yellow and black strips. I'm sure I have a picture or two of the finished product around somewhere. I'll try to dig them up and see if I can get them scanned somehow if you want them.
I recently took a picture of a CAP J3 hanging in the Dayton Air Force Museum. I'll post it later.