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Anchorage - Fargo on straight floats - and need 100LL. Suggestions on fuel stops?


Registered User
I'm flying a C206 on straight floats and would appreciate any spots I can land and refuel with 100LL. I will have lots of 5 gallon cans with me and fully expect to have to often do the airport to lake run with them.

Expect I will do ANC - Whitehorse - Watson Lake, looking for a stop or 2 on the way to Williams Lake and would prefer to avoid the river at Prince George.

After Williams Lake - perhaps Kelowna, need to clear US Customs (is there anywhere to do this on straight floats beyond the San Juans or various Seattle seaplane bases?) and then east towards Sandpoint/Polson - looking for eastbound fuel stops also.

Thanks for your suggestions!
Polson MT on the river, Dawson Creek has a water trench north side of airport with usually the cheaper fuel than anywhere north or south... Courtesy car was given to me for several days there from airport manager. Nice folks. Lots of bases in Northern Alberta and Saskatchewan. With alot of jugs you can land at lakes across your path and fill at the next available services. Stopping at places lake Muncho lake etc.... to jug up and stretch your legs..

Depending on what route you take you could go to

Fort McMurray, Alberta
Cooking lake, Edmonton Alberta

Stony Rapids,(lake Athabasca) Saskatchewan
Points North, Saskatchewan
Buffalo Narrows,Saskatchewan
La Rounge, Saskatchewan
Flin Flon (Manitoba) Bakers Narrows

Get a Canada water aero supplement

Simpson Air (1981) Ltd.
C.P. 260
Fort Simpson (Territoires du Nord-Ouest)
X0E 0N0
Sans frais : 1-866-995-2505
Téléphone : (867) 695-2505
Télécopieur : 695-2925
Courriel : simpson_air@airware.ca

South Nahanni Airways
C.P. 407
Fort Simpson (Territoires du Nord-Ouest)
X0E 0N0
Téléphone : (867) 695-2007
Télécopieur : 695-2943
Courriel : info@southnahanniairways.com

Wolverine Air
C.P. 316
Fort Simpson (Territoires du Nord-Ouest)
X0E 0N0
Sans frais : 1-888-695-2263
Téléphone : (867) 695-2263
Télécopieur : (867) 695-3400
Courriel : info@wolverineair.com

Air Tindi
C.P. 1693
Yellowknife (Territoires du Nord-Ouest)
X1A 2P3
Téléphone : (867) 669-8200
Télécopieur : (867) 669-8210
Courriel : info@airtindi.com

Alpine Aviation (Yukon) Ltd.
C.P. Box 6
Whitehorse (Yukon)
Y1A 5X9
Téléphone : (867) 668-7725
Télécopieur : (867) 668-2973
Courriel :alpine@polarcom.com

Angus Air
C.P. 346
Watson Lake (Yukon)
Y0A 1C0
Téléphone : (867) 536-2059
Télécopieur : (867) 536-2059
Courriel : acumming@northwestel.net

Dukes Air Service
C.P. 3870
Fort. Nelson (Colombie-Britannique)
V0C 1R0
Téléphone : (250) 774-7518
Télécopieur : (250) 774-3441
Base d'été : (250) 776-7500

Kluane Airways / Inconnu Lodge
C.P. 31489
Whitehorse (Yukon)
Y1A 6K8
Téléphone : (250) 860-4187
Télécopieur : (250) 860-8894
Base d'été du lac McEvoy : (867) 969-2127
Courriel : info@kluaneairways.com

Liard Tours / Northern Rockies Lodge
C.P. 8
Muncho Lake (Colombie-Britannique)
V0C 1Z0
Téléphone : (250) 776-3481
Sans Frais : 1-800-663-5259
Télécopieur : (250) 776-3482
Courriel : liardair@northern-rockies-lodge.com

Northern Rockies Air Charters / Scoop Lake
C.P. 37
Watson Lake (Yukon)
Téléphone : (867) 536-2364
Télécopieur : (867) 536-2364 (été)
Télécopieur : (250) 491-1885 (hiver)
Courriel : scooplake@okanagan.net

Yukon Wings Ltd.
68 Miles Canyon Road
Whitehorse (Yukon)
Y1A 6L4
Téléphone : (867) 668-4716
Télécopieur : (867) 633-5574
Courriel : info@yukonrivercruises.com
If you go down the coast, then come across.....Polson, MT as noted, Seeley Lake, MT, Fort Benton, MT on the Missouri (depending on water level, not for the faint of heart), Fort Peck, MT, then either Bismarck (Missouri River, but better than Ft. Benton) or Jamestown in a nearby large lake.

Where are you going to land in Fargo? Hopefully, somewhere other than Fargo??

Cordova, Juneau, Ketchikan, Prince Rupert, Nimpo Lake (free beer with the BS!), Spokane or Cour de lane Id...

I am not sure of Spokane or Idaho, but one of the spots there has float and customs
Thanks for all the help:

Leaning towards Whitehorse/Fort Nelson/FortMcMurray Nipiwan/Winnipeg(Selkirk)/Fort Francis route as it's direct and has the best shot at 100LL on/near water. Got to thinkuing I would work myself too hard for fuel east of Couer de Alene/Polson...

Thanks for the help scout, I will be RON in GPZ to see Rusty E, Mike I'm not going right in to Fargo but relatively close, G I'm staying away from SE this time round!:roll:

Regards to all and thanks!

Thanks for all the help:

Leaning towards Whitehorse/Fort Nelson/FortMcMurray Nipiwan/Winnipeg(Selkirk)/Fort Francis route as it's direct and has the best shot at 100LL on/near water. Got to thinkuing I would work myself too hard for fuel east of Couer de Alene/Polson...

Thanks for the help scout, I will be RON in GPZ to see Rusty E, Mike I'm not going right in to Fargo but relatively close, G I'm staying away from SE this time round!:roll:

Regards to all and thanks!


With decent range it's not too bad coming across MT and ND. Just not lots of stops.

If you left Idaho and did the trench, Fort Graham has a boat dock. Next stop Watson Lake. From there I never looked for water, but there are plenty of large lakes along the highway.

Fort Graham boat dock during the 2010 drought is halfway in this video, and would not be so helpful.