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Acme black ops


VA Ambassador - The RAF
I’ve been reading up some on the black ops from acme aero, and was wondering if I could get any pros and cons for my 135hp Supercub. Have stock bungees and tires on it and landing at our grass strip mostly.

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Yup, be glad you didn’t ask on Facebook. Chevy vs Ford never had it so tough.

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I have the Acme Black Ops, I have zero regrets and would never go back. My plane is heavy on 31’ tires. It’s a great shock.

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Your question is like asking which motor oil is best on the diesel truck forums.

I have them on my plane and think they are a great improvement over bungees mostly due to the dampening on rebound (that should explain my landing abilities :-)).

Weight wise, I weighed both set ups and the Black Ops were only a pound heavier per side.
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They work great. And fit under bungee covers nicely.

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An important consideration, probably good for 3-6 mph. The RANS S-7 community seems to be about equally split between the Black Ops and the TK's. I don't have any experience with either, but the Black Ops, especially if faired, appear to be a lot less drag in flight.
I have TK1's but have not flown them yet since my project isn't complete. I guess it's a horse a piece except I think TK1's are $500 cheaper. Not positive on that.....I understand that either version is a great improvement though.
If you want to stay legal than AOSS is what you get. I think they are next too Bushwheels and Borer prop mods when it comes to rough short field work. It is much easier to make the tires stick so you can bet good breaking. For most general off field work stock bungees do fine but If they need to be replaced or you just want a change you will notice a difference on the very first landing. Even on smoother strips.
Are yours gen 3s? Wonder how much difference there is with the gen 4s?

Do they call them the pro series? As far as I know the pro just has more travel. Nice thing with acme is if the nitrogen leaks out you still have a spring in there. You don’t go totally flat.

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Talked to Eric at Acme he said they are in the process of certifying them and should be good by the end of July.

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Gen 3 first from what I understand then gen 4 to follow in the stc process.

Tom, I think you’re right. Gen 4 will have more travel but will have a lower gross weight limitation compared to the gen 3s. The gross weight limitations on both are still more than what most of us would ever carry.

That all being said, Catto is also working on an STC;-)
Ya the grove wheels with 31" Desser tires was going to happen n July also. The have been in my hanger now waiting for 2 1/2 years. The crap that manufactures have to put up with to replace parts that came off car/truck/tractor is crazy.
Just realized Acme is right down the road from me. Will have to check out their operation when this craziness is over.
Talked to Matt who’s the owner. He said if the faa schedule is correct they should have the stc for the black ops 3 shocks, and tail stinger July 16. He also said tac aero will be a pma house with a program where you can send your pre stc’d shocks and they inspect/ update and leave with an stc.

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Talked to Matt who’s the owner. He said if the faa schedule is correct they should have the stc for the black ops 3 shocks, and tail stinger July 16. He also said tac aero will be a pma house with a program where you can send your pre stc’d shocks and they inspect/ update and leave with an stc.

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Is the STC just for the PA-18 or will it cover a PA-11 as well?

Acme shocks are awesome! I've tried early TK1s and now 2019 model Acmes on the Cub I fly. I had Bungees on for a few hours between the switch and had to learn how to land all over again [emoji6] seriously.

If you have Vetterman exhaust or similar that exits down the belly the Acmes are WAY easier to keep clean.

The ones Eric sent me are adjustable. I believe he said they could accommodate 3 inch OR 6 inch gear. I haven't touched them because he had them tuned perfectly right out of the box.

The TK1s seemed more sensitive to pressure and temperature. In cold temps they would get soft and really splay after an hour at altitude getting cold soaked. I never mentioned that to Tony, maybe he has a fix. My solution was to run them harder in general.

Full disclosure, ACME is one of my sponsors. They are an awesome company that supports missions!
Ya the grove wheels with 31" Desser tires was going to happen n July also. The have been in my hanger now waiting for 2 1/2 years. The crap that manufactures have to put up with to replace parts that came off car/truck/tractor is crazy.
It’s admirable that you’d follow the rule to the letter. I’d have those rims and tires on, about 2 and 1/4 years ago plus a Catto. If your not commercial, especially if you’re at your own strip, who would know and why would it matter.
The partners are working pilots, they don't need any extra attention. Plane is usually tied down at lake hood so everyone see's it. DENNY