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337 for putting a J-3 on Edo 1400's.


Registered User
Does anyone have a copy of the 337 they used to put there J3C-65 Cub on Edo 92-1400's, that they would be willing to share?
This is the story. I purchased my Cub on floats back in 2001. I flew it for 4 years then took it out of service to do a complete restoration. While getting the lower longerons replaced and F.A. Dodge weld on float fittings put on, the local FSDO agent came out to inspect and stated "the J3C-65 can't be put on floats without a 337. Only the J3C-65S can be put on the 92-1400 floats using only a logbook entry"!
He also stated you can't make a J3C-65 into a J3C-65S, only Piper can do that, and we know that is a dead end.
If you look at the TCDS A-691, it states, (I copied and pasted direct from the TCDS)

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Landing Gear and Floats (cont.)
208. Edo 92-1400 floats with water rudder (Model J3C-65S only) +118 lb. (+1)
Bungee must be installed in the elevator control system
per Piper Dwg. 80352

So it looks like he is right. I was told that some FSDO's take the TCDS literally, and some will give you some slack. Mine is the no slack. can anyone help?

Mike Tamm
J-3 float
I looked at the TCDS.Right under J365S it states same as J365C except for landing gear and the 1400s are on the TCDS.I cannot see why there would be any issue here.

The floats are approved on the Type certificate and it states that the landing gear (floats) is what makes it an S model.

I think you have an FAA guy that doesn't know what he's doing.

I think you're right, but he doesn't think so. I'm hoping I can find someone else who used a 337 to get it approved, and send it with my 337 request, and hope it sails right through.
What's your serial number? States in Para V serial numbers eligible, bet yours is listed.
I've got one. PM me an address or a fax number and I will send it to you. Jim