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1956 Cessna 182 - Need help to find SuperCub.org poster for Avionics 430 Layout questions


Registered User
I am installing a used Garmin 430 waas in 1956 Cessna 182. Ran across an avionics instrument panel lay-out for Gene Hitchcock's 1956 Cessna 182 Picture on Supercub.org. Can anyone point me to thread or poster as I have questions about their avionics installation? I have used the search engine and have not been able to locate any additional information. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the link to the layout found. supercub.org/photopost/data/500/medium/Hitchcock_panel.jpg

Thanks again...
Thank you very much. That is exactly what I was looking for!!! Been struggling to figure out how to get this panel laid out in the plane so the 430 is not down low where I cannot see it. The yoke mechanism in the back is right in the way. Hopefully this will lead me down a proven path.