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Weight and Balance

Tony Meyer

Registered User
What’s everyones feeling of putting 120lb person in the front with a 300lb person in the back seat? The Weight and balances I run put the cg Aft at 18ish inches depending on fuel etc, which puts it inside the envelope by two inches, if not over the 1750lb gross. I’m pretty new to Super Cubs and just want to verify that my W&B is accurate. I know they’re amazing machines and of course capable of hauling the load just curious for stall training purposes if that’s safe. Thx for the help!
That’s going to be a tight fit. Remove the rear stick

Sent from my iPad using SuperCub.Org
Yeah, a 250-ish pal in the back of my 12 is a squeeze. And it's considerably roomier than an -18.
Edit: But the CG is fine.
Run your numbers and stay within the envelope. My planes have all flown better with the CG in the middle or a little aft of middle. You'll probably like it.