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Where can I find a hand pump for Hyd. skis?

Yes, I built 88M and sold it to a gentleman in Minnesota years ago. It is very nice still and I think it may be available, although unlisted.

I am building another one, but lighter this time.
Here is the pump in my C172 amphib (Baumann 2550A's)' If you look at the larger photo in my gallery, you might find the parker part number.



I am getting the idea to start cutting my holes for brake line fittings on the fuselage. I have a little plat installed above the longeron in which I will attach a 45 elbow to, then I can simply attach and detach the brake line with the gear and not have that piece sticking out with floats...

I have room to also put in hydraulic fittings for skis or amphibs, so want to confirm the size and number... looks like I need two per side, and is it 1/4" or 3/8" tube that is used?

I do believe it is 1/4 inch line, one for retract and one to deploy the ski on each side. There is some great photos of the "T" fittings on this website. Thats -4 size.
If you get the pump in Stewards photos, Edo makes a bracket that will install it down inside the tunnel. Kenmore probably has the parts and drawings.

Airglas makes a elect/hydro pump for $1200, Wipes would work too but big $$$.

.... I have a little plat installed above the longeron in which I will attach a 45 elbow to,......
I have room to also put in hydraulic fittings for skis or amphibs,....


pay attention to rudder pedals/hyd line routing on inside if you think of adding all them there.....
I have mine mounted on the side in front of the door like in the photo on the attached thread. Mounting on the floor usually involves some interference with brake/rudder cables or with operation of right rudder from the rear seat. This would involve welding on a mounting plate so depending on IA it may be a simple thing or not worth the hassle. Expect to put some kind of bend or angle in the handle.