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You might be a bush pilot if.......

If you've ever removed a prop with a leatherman. If you've ever landed with a Bushwheel completely flat and not wrecked. If you've hauled three people, a prop, spare landing gear,and tools in a stock super cub. If you taken the wings off a cub at 3 in the morning with the temp at 14 deg, all with a flashlight in your mouth. If you've got holes poked in the bottoms of all surfaces of your cub from brush and trees. If you've ever broke a nav light getting a little to close to a tree dragging a new spot. If you've ever bought duct tape the same color as your airplane..... you might be Bush pilot. 8) Joe

but since I'm done flying and have lots of late sun to power the computer- done a few and those are nothing.

There is a difference between a BUSH PILOT and a PILOT THAT LIVES IN THE BUSH.

A difference between those that come here and go home to the grid and those that cope with life and flying every day from the bush.

Frankly, I may not fly as well as some of the to and from folks, but I do know what it is like to save and manage the cub every day in an nasty environment.

Spring is on us and spring is wet muddy and interestingi in the bush.

Hope to see you in town for the show.

Good points, Gary.

Although the "bush pilot" title conjures up images of unshaven, devil may care pilots wearing flip flops on -25 degree days making slap dash landings with their eyes closed on remote postage stamps sized holes in the trees or water in a ratty plane with no interior, and carrying only a 357, a Milky-way and bottle of Jack Daniels for a survival kit, my guess is the true long running ones are careful planners, who are well prepared for the environment that they are operating in. The flying/landing itself is likely the least challenging part, its more knowing where and when to fly and land, and how to make sure it has not changed too much since last time you were there.

And then there are those pesky bears to know how to avoid.

...every day is a lesson and a test of resourcefulness and survival skills.

...you're still alive after 10 years.

...your fingertips are cracked.

...the hair in your nose, your eyebrows and eyelashes never get to grow back between engine preheats.

... you keep stepping in the doo-doo your mechanic left for you under the engine tent during the night.

...you can tie a canoe to the float struts faster than you can write a memo.

... you're immune to insect bites.

...your float compartments reek of rancid fish.

...you park your pickup on logs to make sure the wheels don't freeze up during the night.

...you can hardly wait to get out of the bush; then hardly wait to get back in.

...your kids' school teacher asks: "Who the hell are you?"

...the parish priest tell you to repent.

...you introduce your significant other as "This is my first wife."

...you're the Patron Saint of a 9 native settlements.
Bush Pilot.....AC Store has everything. A regular wonderland.

The rest of you.....Fred Meyers (Holy sh%$ a regular Disneyland to a bush pilot).
Bush pilot.....You know your passengers names, hauled there kids when they were born and hauled their parents home when they passed.

The rest of you....Passengers? We do this for fun.
You have several times more invested in your airplane tires than you have in your truck

You know the names of all the unnamed creeks and divides on the map

You have stories about all the aforementioned creeks and divides

You may have an airplane project or two in your back yard

You have part of an airplane project in your living room
Your flight to the big city airport involved landing on runway X.
You asked what was that pointy orange thing tied to a pole next to the runway there.
Your 3 piece suit is Carharts,Bunny boots and a hat that keeps your ears warm.

you can put on wing covers, engine cover, windshield cover, and tail covers on your cub faster than you can parallel park a car in the city.

The only thing you have ever used a shammy for is to filter gas.

the rear seat back for your cub is a pack frame.

you paint your cub to match your favorite colors of duct tape

all of your friends know your plane by sight and only few know what kind of truck/car you drive.

Dragging your wheels across the water is not done for fun, it is done after landing on a salt water beaches to wash your Cleavland wheels so they last longer.

Running water means running to the cabin with a bucket of water in each hand.

The most important part of Your dream home is the hanger.

you will drop everything you are doing just to fly aircraft parts to some one you do not even like then help them repair the plane to get it out of the bush.

The main purpose of the jury struts is to attach the bungees so you can tie moose horns to the struts

Your favorite artiest turns tired old cubs into things of beauty

you know that beaver and otter skins are aluminum

you believe 5 gal cans are normal and that a gas pump is a a luxury
Spoken in the style of Jeff Foxworthy :wink:

If you've ever had to u-u-use a rubber BOOT!....for a yourinal :roll: ....well...you might be a BUSH pilot!

If you can taxi yore AIRplane right up to the front door of a log cabin bar or liquor store :drinking: ........you jes' might be a BUSH pilot.

If you've ever landed, then jumped out of yore airplane in front of a group of people, whipped out yer' Norbecker :crazyeyes: , and then held a welcoming conversation as the last thermos full of recycled coffee creates a small puddle of mud under the horizontal stabilizer 8) ....we-e-ell, You jes' might be a BUSH pilot.

If the Dahl SHEEP in the mountains, have to look DOWN :eek: to watch you pass by....well.....you jes' might be a BUSH pilot.

If you wake up in the morning with a girl passed out in yore bed, another one passed out in yer' roommate's bed, and stumble into the living room to find a third girl passed out on the couch, you've been intimate with all three, and they are 1st COUSINS....you jes' might be a BUSH pilot!

If yore "HUNdred hour" takes LESS than an hour...the maJORity of which wuz spent tryin' to "hide" the dirty oil that spilled after the plastic bucket feel offa' the pile of wood you had it sitting on because somebody stoled yer' LONG drain hose...well.....you might be a BUSH pilot.

If you spend prolonged periods of TIME.....a'sittin' on the forward edge of yer chair in "slow flight" lookin' UP at the seagulls and trying to DODGE them :yikez: ......you jes' might be a BUSH pilot.

And lastly.....if yore RESUME' JOB list for a fifteen to 20 year "career" works out to an average of one job ever year and a half or so, AND the same one or two companies reappear on the list three or more times.....
well....your probably ARE a BUSH PILOT!!

CloudDancer :anon
Ya might just be a bush pilot if you use your borer prop to clear out the alder bushes to make a tie-down spot for your cub!
Na, if you live in the bush they are alders not alder bushes.

Perhaps you might be a bushes pilot.

I have a friend who was waiting on a glacier in the Brooks range for a pick up. When the pilot landed, she got out and the first thing she did was to hand him a camera and say "TAKE MY PICTURE!".
This may be a useful clue to help determine if you are NOT a bush pilot.

edit: gender has nothing to do with this story other than it was actually a woman who requested the photo.