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Search results

  1. M

    For Sale: Edo 89-2000’s For Sale

    Everything was new in 19 or just the struts?
  2. M

    Wag aero auction

    Are they going out of business?
  3. M

    For Sale: Alaska Gear Company Cessna Jack

    I will take it . where do I send the check?
  4. M

    Alaska Gear Co (formerly Airframes Alaska) Working to Put Bunny Boots Back in Production

    Is it just me that thinks this company is getting a little to big?????
  5. M

    170A Cessna in Wein Alaska livery in an old film

    One of the planes they used was a 52B It was exported to Central America. 1470D 20053 Certificate Issue Date None Manufacturer Name CESSNA Mode S Code (base 8 / oct) 50137415 Model 170B Mode S Code (base 16 / hex) A0BF0D Year Manufacturer 1951 Cancel Date 10/20/1955 Reason For...
  6. M

    Airframes, AK is now Alaska Gear Company

    I'm not getting a warm fuzzy with them buying out everyone........
  7. M

    Crack in cleveland brake calipers

    JB weld. Are you kidding me.
  8. M

    King Kx145 issues

    I had one in my first plane in the 80s work just fine.
  9. M

    Accessing Public Land

    Look up you can't beat the MAN! :???:
  10. M

    Tailspring bolt

    I think almost everything is caused by global warming now!:evil:
  11. M

    I often abbreviate - is there a rule demanding verbatim readbacks?

    It's one thousand seven hundred
  12. M

    Hearing impaired?

    What did you say?
  13. M

    Chinese Balloon

    There I something fishy about this whole thing.:???:
  14. M

    185- wet wing or bladders? 28 volt or 12 volt

    My op they screwed the pooch when they went 24 volt. Fuel tanks leak all kinds!
  15. M

    Stewarts System durability and longivity

    Have never recovered anything on my 1954 170! ;-)
  16. M

    visiting alaska

    Whatever you do get the hell out of Anchorage as quick as you can!
  17. M

    Pa-12 vs 170?

    "And a PA-12 is NOT a Super Cub." Don't tell Woolace! :smile::smile::smile:
  18. M

    Carrying a Firearm in an Aircraft

    I carry, because we are so close to Russia you never know when a MIG might jump you!
  19. M

    Alaska Airstrips?

    Through the computer away and go flying!
  20. M

    pre buy inspection - what to look for?

    Just follow the pre buy inspection check list.