Engine fuel pump is not the same as car (5-7psi) Bendix, AFP and precision bendix copys require 25-28 psi, And the v-8 arm don't work albeit similar looking. Just FYI
Screenshot is over my p/c skills. Just log into instagram and click the link He has a lot of neat pics of builds& videos. Looks to be a excellent aircraft builder.
I don't know about operating in super cold conditions, But remember the v/therm is no different than the t-stat in your car it is not an on/off switch it moves slowly as oil temp increases.
Paul Santopiertro (spelling) is in KEVB New Smyrna super good guy has over 11000 hrs in tailwheels Hes got a 8KCAB citabria and a L21.He will put you thru your paces and teach you a lot.He wore me out but it was a blast.401 487 7773 He normaly is here till may then goes up north for summer.He...