the struts shown above are: Stabilus, Lift O Matic #4043. 14913.
given a choice I'd get one that holds a few more pounds, if mine lifts 20# I'd go 25 or 30, but not sure what mine are rated to.
also if you use topper closure system it helps to know the left one opens clockwise and the right...
well that day didn't go as planned. plan was fly the J3 a bit, take pictures of 12 shock and do other stuff. I flew the 3 a couple hours, actually remembered to take the pics, but in doing so I noticed how dirty the 12 door was, but wait not just the door but the whole thing. well since it was...
I'll measure them and make get a number when I get to hangar tomorrow. the pull tab is just that. I made/welded a bracket on the door to accept a truck topper closure handle, it secures to a tab I welded on fuselage, I'll photo it tomorrow
I got mine at the local auto parts house, CarQuest as I recall. I think they are 25# ones and could stand to be a bit heavier.
Side note, I didn't know what ones I wanted so I only bought one. Rigged it up on one side, it worked perfect. So I rigged it up on the other side of the door, also...
Wait, I may not understand what is being said but if the trim is neutral after landing and you say it feels nose heavy why not just trim the nose up on approach.
Or buy a niagra oil cooler and save 5# directly on the nose. But I'd try cheap solutions first.
i made marks at 5 gallon incriments while filling them and after awhile you can pretty well decipher how much you have in your tank. If you have original 12 tanks in Aluminum they are probably Wagaero tanks which are only 18 gallons. mine were and had 17.4 usable
I did it on a 12 with wagaero tanks. so aluminum. I was always worried about the originals breaking off. I had to put them in at a fairly sloped angle either due to the tank being shallower than an 18's or maybe it was to avoid hitting bracing. so they were a bit steep for good accuracy. Be...
Jessie View resort,,
owners are fine folks and own a PA12 that they fly out of a grass strip just 3 miles away at Bowstring. They've been doing lots of remodels and upgrades the last few years
I have a simple plywood base with foam and cloth staple to it, I'll get you a photo tomorrow, it's easy in and out and pax haven't complained about it, yet
while this is about electrons let me digress just a bit. While the fuselage is blasted don't forget a couple of critical fuselag mods: Pa18 double pulley trim, ceiling X-brace, pa14 baggage cathedral arch, floor seatbelt attach points, box brace in tail, gross weight increase if you are...
I just went through the process of overhauling my Slick Impulse mag coil and points at 550 hrs. Of course I now have a horse-barn door dilemma about researching SureFly mags. Their website seems to recommend if you are doing one mag to do the impulse side. But I just overhauled that side. Any...
Today's venture was to Boulder MT for historical feeling photo and a quick peak inside of an early Stearman. There were also a ton of elk and antelope out in the sunshine this morning, and my roaring 65 horses didn't bother them a bit.
I agree with KJC. fore and aft pick ups in both tanks and dakota valve and you are golden. I plumbed in dakota guages as well but just as isolated guages, just into the tanks, not into any of the lines like are shown on the dakota drawings and they've worked fine in the 2 12s I've done.