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Search results

  1. MarcR

    Are ground loops really popular?

    Gee, when did you ever hear that sound Steve?? Marc
  2. MarcR

    One of the best flying vacations may soon be history

    About 3 years ago, my wife and I went on a flying vacation in Australia, and it was one of the best vacations we'd ever had. It was offered through a company called GOANA( Great Outback Air Navigation Adventures ). They operate a fleet of 172's. Each couple in the group flys around in one...
  3. MarcR

    Oil temp guage

    John, I've got no idea if it original. I wouldn't be surprised if it was replaced at some time, but what I've got is what was in it when Steve sold me the airplane. It's good to know its going to people that know what they are doing. Marc
  4. MarcR

    Oil temp guage

    Turns out its not in Ohio. Its Air Parts of Lockhaven PA. Where did you see a new unit for $375? Marc R.
  5. MarcR

    Oil temp guage

    Hey guys, need some help. The oil guage on 197T is dead. As I understand it there is a bulb thats connected to the guage with a tube. As the temp changes, the bulb contracts/expands, changing the gas pressure in the system, and thus the needle position. The tube in mine is cracked. My...
  6. MarcR

    Another Cool Thing from Google: GoogleEarth

    Check this one out: http://moon.google.com If you zoom in real close, you can see what the moon is really made of! Marc R
  7. MarcR

    Replacing toe brakes

    I've also got a 105 Special with toe brakes. For the most part, I don't see a problem. There are 2 issues though. One, fairly trivial, is that the rudder pedals seem a bit stiffer than on Cubs w/heel brakes. I assume its the linkage between the front and rear toebrakes thats causing the...
  8. MarcR

    Info on Borer gross weight STC

    Hey folks! I've finally purchased Roger Borer's gross weight STC(SA292AL) for 197T. Now, I need some more info. Actually, the mechanic that's going to put the STC on 197T needs some info. He'd like to get in touch with someone that has done this before. If anyone is willing and able to...
  9. MarcR

    which stc to go with ?

    Matt, I'd be interested in hearing how this turns out for you. I've been trying to determine my options for getting 197T's max gross up to 1750. My airplane in a -105 SP, upgraded to 135hp. The STC states the airplane has to have an O-320, unless its a -135. I've got a call into the...
  10. MarcR


    strangeak, I just sent a pm with my contact info. I was wondering if you could pass it on to the family. I had sent a letter asking about a gross weight STC that Roger owned, and noticed the post of him passing away shortly after that. Thanks! Marc R.
  11. MarcR

    Need a pre-buy

    Hey Folks! I'm considering making an offer on a 172 in Cleveland, and if I do, I'll need someone in the area to do a pre-buy inspection for me. Anybody have a recommendation? Marc R.
  12. MarcR

    Alaska Vacation

    Folks, Thanks for all the suggestions. Right now, it looks like we'll do our vacation in August or September. How's that time of year up there? Does it narrow the choices down at all. I realize Alaska's big, and we will need to pick an area. Trouble is, I just don't know enough( yet! ) to...
  13. MarcR

    Alaska Vacation

    Christina, Thanks for the info. Based on his prices, and assuming other operators in Alaska charge comparable prices, I don't think I'll be doing much of my own flying. I'm guessing it would be about $2,000 for a bush checkout, and another $2000 for me and my wife to have 1 day of flying...
  14. MarcR

    Alaska Vacation

    Hey Folks! My wife and I are starting to think about a vacation this year, and a top candidate is a trip to Alaska. Since I know there are a lot of Alaska folks here, I thought I'd try to get some suggestions. We both enjoy getting out in the woods, fishing, and hiking. Not too strenuous...
  15. MarcR

    Believe it or not, this is the TSA cert looks like..

    Well, I doubt it. I actually downloaded the 40MB file, and ran the whole "course"( and I use the term lightly! ) locally. While the computer was still connected to the Internet, there was no indication that was required for the course to work. Doesn't it make you feel all safe and secure...
  16. MarcR

    Flight Instructors: New TSA requirements for Flight Training

    Nope. It doesn't say anywhere that the flight instructor checking the id has to be a US Citizen. I think we should just stop looking at this. I'm concerned that, if I look at it long enough, it might start to make sense! :crazyeyes: Then they'd have to lock me away! Marc
  17. MarcR

    Flight Instructors: New TSA requirements for Flight Training

    Wellll, maybe. There's a bit of a gray area. In one part it states that the id check is only required if the training would lead to a new certificate or type rating. So by that definition, you'd be right. On the other hand, in another part, it justifies not requiring the id check for other...
  18. MarcR

    Flight Instructors: New TSA requirements for Flight Training

    I got a reply from AOPA. The TSA has issued an exemption to the requirement to keep id copies for 5 years, allowing the log book endorsement instead. Here's a link to the document: http://www.aopa.org/whatsnew/newsitems/2004/041020tsa_notice.pdf
  19. MarcR

    Flight Instructors: New TSA requirements for Flight Training

    The AOPA website says you have the option of either an endorsement( copies in the student's logbook and yours ), or keeping copies of the documents for 5 years. I looked, and couldn't find anything from the TSA mentioning the logbook endorsement. I've sent an email to AOPA asking about it...
  20. MarcR

    Flight Instructors: New TSA requirements for Flight Training

    Steve, My impression was that we do need the training. Here's what I got from the AOPA website: . Here's a link to the page: http://www.aopa.org/tsa_rule/#awareness_documentation The way I read it, each free lance instructor is a "flight school" in the TSA's( I won't say what I think that...