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Search results

  1. T

    Manuals for A-75?

    been sitting for awhile? IF it has been carefully take the oil temp bulb out and shoot it full of oil and lift the tail when doing this, to prime the oil pump.
  2. T

    Manuals for A-75?

    and the problem is?
  3. T

    Suspension for Super Cub

    does it have caps that screw of on either end? and it looks like grease zercs on the top on both ends, what are those?
  4. T

    C90 Oil Temp bulb leaking

    picture of a tapered bulb that needs the tapered adapter nut just for reference for others. like the bottom picture in the diagram.
  5. T

    C90 Oil Temp bulb leaking

    ya you want to make sure the compression nut tightens down on the ring and with a gasket in there it might hinder that????
  6. T

    C90 Oil Temp bulb leaking

    my opinion, no, just like the very top of my diagram. the flat face ring on the bulb labeled flange does the sealing and holds the bulb firmly in place when compression nut is tightened. gasket between the adapter and filter like kases. his is done right. diagram shows where gasket is needed...
  7. T

    C90 Oil Temp bulb leaking

    need a picture of the inside of it. how fast do you need one?
  8. T

    C90 Oil Temp bulb leaking

    ryan theres 2 types of adapters, straight edge and tapered, make sure you use the right one. yours would be the top one. you want the flat shoulder for your bulb nut to screw against. compression nut they call it in the diagram.
  9. T

    2025 Valdez Fly In May 16-18th

    mine shows the wind about 3 knots higher a year from now, and a 20 percent chance of rain?
  10. T

    Black airplane?

  11. T

    Badlands STOL cuff a bad idea?

    i guess a question would be, when you were trying things did you find a spot for the foam blocks? rotating them up or down that worked the best? or noticed the best results? each plane might vary some?
  12. T

    PA-11 Windshield on J-3 Boot Cowl

    whoever your going to order a windshield from ask them about the differences?
  13. T

    WTB - Airworthy prop for Continental A65

    i have a new sensenich w76ck36
  14. T

    No Post Counter?

    i liked that also, saved a lot of time from looking at old news.
  15. T

    Experienced Tig Welder Needed

    call jay at javron, if its still in maine and make a roundabout trip?
  16. T

    0-320 B2B

    160 hp 0-320 for sale, 0 time on case redone by divco, 3 overhauled cylinders by harrision, 1 new, new cam, new crank, pistons, overhauled lifters, rods, etc, no accesories. i was going to replace my 90 but never did it, engine was assembled a few years ago, its in my house, but im not a a&p, so...
  17. T

    North East Summer Fun 2024

    any trouble with gators?