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  1. R

    Verner Radial?

    That’s beautiful! What engine is in it? Are the few radial quirks worth it?
  2. R

    Verner Radial?

    Ya, that seems to be the common opinion on the Rotec from most people, even on the kitfox and rv forums. Getting a lot of good vibes from the Verner and it seems to be proving itself well. Cost per hr, weight, power, and torque point to a cool engine option that not only has some nostalgia, cool...
  3. R

    Round for Dall Sheep hunting

    Man, this thread would make all my Whitetail hunting buddies here in Missouri loose their minds lol. Those sheep are awfully pretty!!!! Super jealous!!!
  4. R

    Verner Radial?

    Heard back from Sam at Scalebirds who is a distributor for the Verners. TBO suspicion was correct, they just don't have enough engines out there with big hours on them yet. The 1000 is very conservative and should be getting raised to 1500 as soon as they have an engine in for analysis. Rebuild...
  5. R

    Verner Radial?

    Ya, TBO is about my biggest question and dislike. But the cost is such that 1000hr tbo is almost doable. The question I have is what is rebuild cost? How real is that TBO number? Is it just because they don’t have many high time examples out there yet?
  6. R

    Verner Radial?

    Late 90s, Verner 9S launched 2017. Pretty New. I’ve never heard good things about the Rotec other than it looked cool. I stumbled across the Verner while talking to Shane who just put one on his Patina Cub. Looked them up and seems to be positive experiences with them.
  7. R

    Verner Radial?

    Ya, he started with a Rotec then recently installed the Verner right?
  8. R

    Verner Radial?

    Worse case, fly the Verner for 1000hrs lol get a Lycoming after lol. Comments like that really swing towards the Verner lol.
  9. R

    Verner Radial?

    Yup, watched that a few times, good stuff. Word is there’s an 11S coming out before too long.
  10. R

    Verner Radial?

    Thanks John, that’s great information, I’ll for sure have to get in touch with Steve. In my head it doesn’t seem bad… A day of flying around various strips, gravel bars, or bouncing around different lakes in a day, shouldn’t have to worry too much but I’ve also not been around them. What’s your...
  11. R

    Verner Radial?

    Makes sense, so it’s a first flight of the day thing? Going bouncing around on river beds having some fun, going to some different strips. Shouldn’t have to pull it through every startup. Or could be safe and give it a turn. If it’s kinda like that, I wouldn’t be opposed to it :)
  12. R

    Verner Radial?

    Nice way to slip in the Beaver ;) I was wondering how long it would take for it to come up. For those who have Beaver experience, do you have to pull through those engines? Is tho Verner a comparable experience to say a Beaver, but pocket sized as Skywagon put?
  13. R

    Verner Radial?

    Not opposed to that at all, honestly one of my top options. The Verner is just also a super cool option and for the same cost of about a midtime 0360. The verner also puts in some admirable performance figures that in some ways might make it a better option than an 0360. The 0360 is definitely...
  14. R

    Verner Radial?

    Tried and true… I honestly really like the idea of picking up a midtime 0360, learning to fly the airframe and not have to think or worry about an engine. Time comes for overhaul, turn it up…
  15. R

    Verner Radial?

    There definitely a “practicality” aspect to this that can’t be ignored. Yes, would it be cool AF, sound incredible, and be a ramp magnet, absolutely. But in real life, how practical is dealing with the radial starting/maintaining nuances? Flip side is that torque? Is that worth it? Would it be...
  16. R

    Verner Radial?

    Shane goes over the weight in the video, Whole package is around 300lbs installed. Do you guys have some installed numbers on comparable Lycomings? I think I’m confident on 0360 platform if I go that route.
  17. R

    Verner Radial?

    Ya, there's something really special about that sound, show stopper on the ramp or gravel bar. That's one of my biggest hangups on this route, starting. Starting while on floats might be more of a pain too. IDK, I might be making a bigger deal out of it than it seems. Money wise too, 26k is a...
  18. R

    Verner Radial?

    Yes, you do have to pull it through. All the oil gravity drains into a holding tank below the cylinders. I think the Verner has a valve on the lowest cylinder to drain any oil that got into the cylinder. I honestly don't know a ton about them, you might be able to decipher if it's a good design...
  19. R

    Verner Radial?

    Ya, I like the idea of Fuel injection...The Sterna would be a good choice. Having to turn the prop to circulate the oil before starting might be a pita. Again, not sure how much that really affects things, or in your preflight routine.
  20. R

    Verner Radial?

    https://www.kitplanes.com/round-magic/ Yup, right around there. It might be cheaper to overhaul.