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Search results

  1. N

    2024 Fly In and Get Together Dates Needed!

    Will there be a WAD South 2024? If so, when? George
  2. N

    Checklists - a Rant!

    He sure got that propped quick! George
  3. N

    Airports with turf and fuel

    In PA, KZER George
  4. N


    Don't give them any ideas! George
  5. N

    2022 Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering May 20-21, 2022!

    Just to confirm, plane-side camping is approved at KCFE for this event? Good grass for landing? George
  6. N

    Movie Nights at New Holstein...Suggestions?

    Tora, Tora, Tora The original Airport (w/George Kennedy) Those Magnificent Men and Their Flying Machines Twilight Zone episode "The Gremlin" Midway with Glenn Ford, Charlton Heston, etc. (1976 version) The High and The Mighty The airliner scene from Dirty Harry (Excuse me Captain, but can you...
  7. N

    Island Bob

    Is the service open to the public or just the family? George
  8. N

    Island Bob

    How sad. My wife and I were married on The Island thanks to the graciousness of Bob and Pat. We were planning a June visit. His passing is a profound loss to our community. He will be sorely missed. Godspeed Island Bob, RIP George and Annette Richmond
  9. N

    Carbon Monoxide- what level is dangerous?

    There was something definitely wrong with that bolt in that exhaust stack. Exhaust studs are a special fastener. George
  10. N

    Panel Help- AV-30? Other? Nothing?

    Beware the AV-30. Impressive features and appearance, but not reliable and completely unsupported by manufacturer. Personal experience. Apparently you get what you pay for, but sometimes even less... George
  11. N

    Daughter needs avionics advice

    Sounds like you have a perfectly adequate panel now. Don't screw it up! You've got the fundamentals to make a highly competent instrument pilot. Once she learns to fly with that panel, anything else she sees will be a piece of cake. George
  12. N

    2021 New Holstein Young Eagles Rally

    Put me in Coach! I'm vetted, certificated and had all my shots! I even went and got one o' them thar new fangled wireless squawk-boxes! George (of Nebraska)
  13. N

    2021 Airventure Meet Up Thread

    How many RVs can you fit in a Caravan?;-)
  14. N

    Cgr 30-p

    Regarding your separate oil pressure gauge, how did you do that installation? Is it completely independent of the EI oil pressure source? Wet or electric? I am considering a standalone OP indication with my pending CGR-30P project. George
  15. N

    Cgr 30-p

    Has anyone been successful mounting the data box on the engine side of the firewall? Sure would be nice to only have one firewall penetration to the gauge. George
  16. N

    Cgr 30-p

    What are the odds of having the whole screen go black and losing all your engine indications? Seems like all our eggs are in one basket. George
  17. N

    Removing exhaust residue

    Go-Jo plain white creme hand cleaner. Slather it on, have a coffee, come back and it just wipes off. Easy on the finish and the skin. George
  18. N

    WAD SOUTH 2020 is happening!

    Saturday schedule? What is the event schedule for Saturday? Sunday? Not enough daylight to get there til midday Friday. george
  19. N

    Black Hills Flyin September 10-13

    Any last minute updates to this fly-in? Done snowing there yet!?! George