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Search results

  1. N

    Prop Clearance on Wheel Penetration Skis

    I ended up getting an 83" on mine because I guess that was all they had when they built it ~2 years ago. Prop clearance on my penetration skis has not been an issue that I've noticed; the summit/cubcrafter skis do float really well, however. There has really only been one time that I was...
  2. N

    What, Ideally, should my hottest cylinder, in cruise, be about in degrees ?

    From everyone's favorite maintenance pundit, Mike Busch. https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2020/july/pilot/savvy-maintance-valves
  3. N

    I often abbreviate - is there a rule demanding verbatim readbacks?

    To the topic at hand: I do in fact readback all ATC instructions as verbatim as possible, even altimeter settings. I would recommend using good radio discipline and adhering to standard phraseology. That way you make yourself a smaller target for harrassment. Failing that, move to an...
  4. N

    I often abbreviate - is there a rule demanding verbatim readbacks?

    Unfortunately there isn't much you can do. ATC will just circle the wagons until/unless one of them causes an accident. Rudeness/unprofessionalism isn't something that is really policed much, just listen to New York approach or SFO tower. Often controllers do make mistakes, they are human...
  5. N

    Grove "Heavy Duty" (HD) brakes going soft (excessive pedal travel) every week or so

    Well if you want to know what someone’s first time safety wiring the caliper bolts using youtube videos looks like there ya go. I torqued the pins to the specified 6.5 ft-lbs and the wire holes lined up like that so I chose to deal with the resulting straight shot rather than over/under...
  6. N

    Grove "Heavy Duty" (HD) brakes going soft (excessive pedal travel) every week or so

    There is a small hole in the top of that clear plastic reservoir tube which serves in the vent. It's also a geyser of brake fluid if you overfill the fluid.
  7. N

    Grove "Heavy Duty" (HD) brakes going soft (excessive pedal travel) every week or so

    I was told that they didn't go with the integral reservoir one for the usual cost/weight/space concerns but know of people who have modified the inside to take the integral model. All second hand, so I don't know for sure why. The maintenance manual doesn't mention any other fittings in the...
  8. N

    Grove "Heavy Duty" (HD) brakes going soft (excessive pedal travel) every week or so

    Thank you! Here are the master cylinders and reservoirs with a picture of the pad/calipers. This is how it looked when the right brake was soft, which is the assembly in the first picture. I bled all the fluid out and refilled it to 75%, then shut off the bleeder valve. Then I pumped the...
  9. N

    Grove "Heavy Duty" (HD) brakes going soft (excessive pedal travel) every week or so

    I have a carbon cub FX3 on 31's, it has the Grove "HD" or "Heavy Duty" brakes with 6" grove wheels. After I switched from 8.50's to 31's after ski season this spring, my right brake started going soft about every 2 weeks. I bled the brake ~ 5 or 6 times over the past 3 months by completely...
  10. N

    VFR Flight following when not flying direct to

    To answer the original question: Yes. I used to get VFR flight following for aerial photography flights where we just did circles over seemingly random ranches, farms, etc. The only question you will probably get asked if you're doing an unusual routing is if you'd like flight following to...
  11. N

    Need input: Is my Acme Stinger movement excessive?

    Thanks Denny! I just thought I would add my final troubleshooting with my tailwheel shimmy was to take the Burl's Tailwheel Ski off as Frequent_Flyer suggested. I did this because I was still getting occassional shimmy even with the ACME shock adjusted to the tallest setting with the best...
  12. N

    Valdez Fly In May 12-14 2023

    Thanks for joining Caw12, very cool, it is an amazing looking and performing machine!
  13. N

    Valdez Fly In May 12-14 2023

    OK, good to know. It is a one-off type of custom build then? I ask Nathan as much as I think he will tolerate about his bird every time I see him but don't want to be too annoying!
  14. N

    Drill stopping a crack in my aluminum Turtle Deck?

    Thanks Steve! I should've opted for the 2nd comm radio because that option results in no antenna in the turtle deck, instead placing them on the wing root, but i was trying to avoid a 1200 lb cub. Thanks again, I will try this and see what works.....maybe by the time the crack reproprogtes...
  15. N

    Valdez Fly In May 12-14 2023

    I don't think I'd call Nathan's airplane a PA-12....More like an SQ-12 although I'm not sure the exact kit (CAW-12?). I thought it was a backcountry SQ-12 but maybe not, seems to be a different build. Slatted out with long P-STOL's, 6" extended gear and a ground adjustable prop. Beautiful...
  16. N

    Drill stopping a crack in my aluminum Turtle Deck?

    2022 Carbon Cub Experimental with 220 hours. Unfortunately the warranty just expired. A crack developed in the turtle deck which I believe is constructed of painted aluminum. The crack is on the left side of the turtle deck, near the machined gap that I presume was put there to try and preven...
  17. N

    Alaska BC flying

    1) I would happy to join you for a few days (or more?) of flying if you want, once you arrive in AK (if you happen to be in the Anchorage Area). I don't yet have my schedule for June but maybe we can coordinate something. I am based at Merrill Field in Anchorage with an FX3 as well. Send me a...
  18. N

    Any cool things at the 2023 Airmen's Show? (GAAG)

    Getting to fly into the AK state fairgrounds was pretty cool! I had my Cub there for "show and shine". Had to help push the Beaver (on 8.50's?) through the mud on the way in. Elephant walk/rapid fire departure at 1700 local on Sat. was fun. Getting to do some flying and participate in the...
  19. N

    Experimental Insurance in Alaska

    My Carbon Cub FX3 hull premium quote for 12 mos starting June 23 for $350k coverage is now $27,000 from Starr or $15,000 from USSIC. This is up from $12k last year? No accidents, 220 hours in type, 300 tailwheel, 1000 hrs Alaska time, 12,000 total, ATP CFI, 40 y/o, class 1 med, yadda yadda...