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Search results

  1. Bill.Brine

    Please share interesting views from the air!

    Maine coast x2 , Wisconsin, WAD, Central PA
  2. Bill.Brine

    Please share interesting views from the air!

    Looks like oyster farm to me..
  3. Bill.Brine

    Words of Wisdom...Throw In Your Favorite Saying

    You don’t know what you don’t know
  4. Bill.Brine

    North East Summer Fun 2024

    She is a former PBA plane. N137PB
  5. Bill.Brine

    North East Summer Fun 2024

    The owner flies this DC3 like a cub. Dropped in from Marston Mills on Cape Cod to Katama on Martha's Vineyard for lunch yesterday.
  6. Bill.Brine

    how cold is it where your at?

    We have barely seen freezing temperatures this winter. I still have green grass in my yard. Flew the float plane last Friday at 55°. This is the most unusually warm winter I can remember. The last three storms came out of the southwest not the normal northeast. The southwest storms have...
  7. Bill.Brine

    185 vortex generators

    I know three of the respondents to this thread in real life. Three gentlemen I trust. Three with more Skywagon time than most of us will ever fly. When Mike, George and Pete talk listen. I put Micro VGs on the wings and tail feathers of my 180K stock Cessna camberlift wing. As I said earlier in...
  8. Bill.Brine

    Where did you fly today?

    Thankfully there is not a prohibited airspace around his cottage. The house is about a mile from the airfield. So far the Secret Service is very cooperative. Sent from my iPhone using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  9. Bill.Brine

    Where did you fly today?

    I was flying in the same neighborhood around 3:15 Thursday. Missed you by a few hours. Sent from my iPhone using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  10. Bill.Brine

    RV Antifreeze froze in my floats. Does regular A-F hurt aluminum?

    Not all RV antifreeze is the same. Some years ago I had the same issues with RV antifreeze freezing in a bilge. Some research showed that there is (was) no industry standard for RV antifreezes. Lots of marketing hype and coloring added. Also there is freeze protection and burst protection. Some...
  11. Bill.Brine

    Where did you fly today?

    We missed seeing you yesterday. What an awesome fall day to fly. Guillaume and I met at Watchaug Pond then flew down the coast to The Connecticut River. North to Goodspeed for lunch. The river was not landable due to logs an stuff floating down from Vermont. Last image is of Nashion Island...
  12. Bill.Brine

    Where did you fly today?

    Spectacular color today over a members seaplane base. Guess who? Sent from my iPhone using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  13. Bill.Brine

    Wip 3000/C-185 tail ballast

    This was on an early 180 used for racing at Reno. Lots of other interesting mods on the plane. Sent from my iPhone using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  14. Bill.Brine

    850’s and wheel/tire upgrade

    I replaced the McCauley wheels and brakes on my late model 180 500 hours ago with Cleveland’s. New wheels and brakes along with BAS harness are the best two upgrades you can do to an old wagon. My choice for 8:50 tires is Michelin. The Michelins wear well and have wide groves that throw...
  15. Bill.Brine

    Tailspring bolt

    Was that at Plymouth, NH with a John Meade spare 3200 fix? Sent from my iPhone using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  16. Bill.Brine

    Oops, darn it...

    Thanks for sharing. Your comments have me rethinking how I secure stuff in the back of the plane. The DC bump helmet seems to help a lot of folks from getting cut in a slow speed flip over or after they release straps when upside down. Thanks again, Bill Sent from my iPhone using...
  17. Bill.Brine

    Oops, darn it...

    Glad your bad day was without injury and relatively minor damage to your cub. I am always interested in learning about head impacts during / after a slow speed crash in a cub. You mention helmets and shoulder harness. Did they play a roll in you not being injured? Did your head impact anything...
  18. Bill.Brine

    Landing gear

    Looks like a stack of lord mounts like the gear on a Mooney Sent from my iPhone using SuperCub.Org
  19. Bill.Brine

    Maine Wings for Wishes August 3-6

    I’ll give Larry a ride back to Bowman. Sent from my iPhone using SuperCub.Org mobile app