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Search results

  1. K

    Anybody here in Middle TN?

    I'm in Murfreesboro. I'm not a builder so probably can't offer much help in that regard but I'm pretty well versed on where to fly for lunch... :)
  2. K

    General C180 questions.

    I dealt with Air Plains last year for some airbox parts and was well satisfied. The parts were better than the originals and I would have purchased the airbox rather than repair my old one but they were out of stock at the time. I recommend them.
  3. K

    Good book for those who have time to read

    I recently read "The Oranges are Sweet" by Paul Sailer. It is a highly detailed biography of Maj. Don Beerbower, P51 pilot and Ace in WWII. I found the accounts of escorting hundreds of B-17s and others fascinating. I have loaned it to a friend who spends a lot of time researching WWII...
  4. K

    Carb Ice

    Have you tried leaning the mixture? Carb heat causes a richer mixture. My 180 will spit and sputter with carb heat on and mixture set to full rich. My technique is to select carb heat to cold prior to enriching the mixture on short final.
  5. K

    Float design for performance - some concepts and experiences

    I know this is primarily about Cub size floats but for reference these are the bottoms of Edo 2960s. Aft of the step:
  6. K

    Float design for performance - some concepts and experiences

    I have what looks like a plug or cap on the outside of the spreader bars. I looked at another set of 2960s and they don't have these. They just have the open end of the spreader bar exposed. Reference post #48 above, perhaps it would be beneficial for me to find and install these additional...
  7. K

    Float design for performance - some concepts and experiences

    I see.. this explains the reference above about stepping on them. This was my first summer on floats. This thread has been very informative for me! Thanks!
  8. K

    Float design for performance - some concepts and experiences

    These fairings are on my 2960s.
  9. K

    Aqua 1500 straight floats

  10. K

    Aqua 1500 straight floats

  11. K

    Aqua 1500 straight floats

    Does anyone have a picture of float bottoms with boosters to compare to pictures above? Fairly new to float flying... wondering what boosters look like.
  12. K

    Anyone Know Aircraft Innovations, LLC

    Bump.. I just wanted to make sure you saw my edit, Steve. Sorry, I don't think the company I know of is the one you are looking for.
  13. K

    Anyone Know Aircraft Innovations, LLC

    I know a guy who works there. They are in Fairbanks. https://www.airframeinnovations.com/ edit: I just realized you are looking for "aircraft innovations" not "airframe innovations"... so this might be someone else.
  14. K

    Any members in knoxville area?

    Kenai, blue and white 180 that I intend to get on floats mid May... will be hanging my hat at Treasure Chest with the airplane at ENA float pond.
  15. K

    Any members in knoxville area?

    I'm in Murfreesboro.... but will be spending most of the summer in Alaska. If we can stay in touch we could get together next fall when I return. I get over to Knoxville fairly often to visit family. If you like planes that float you should look up Tennessee Seaplanes...... friends of mine...
  16. K

    Camping Items to Include on List for Santa?

    Along the lines of that Little Bug stove... UCO Flatpack grill. Better than I expected... small, lightweight, packs flat... in addition to cooking it serves as a nice little fire pit. https://www.ucogear.com/ucoware/flatpack-medium-grill-and-firepit-gr--fpg
  17. K

    What's the problem with a changed N number?

    There are people who want to restore airplanes back to original condition, or as close as possible, including the n number. If you want to change it from the original, it's easy and cheap to reserve the original number and keep it for future use in case a subsequent owner would like it.
  18. K

    Canada Border update 8/8/2021

    Oh I don't disagree with that... But the rules are pretty clear. According to the CDC order, general aviation pilots are crew members and should be exempt from testing if they follow the FAA SAFO guidelines, which are also clear. That doesn't mean that border agents from either country are...
  19. K

    Canada Border update 8/8/2021

    Here's a link to the FAA SAFO with the industry standard protocols. https://www.faa.gov/other_visit/aviation_industry/airline_operators/airline_safety/safo/all_safos/media/2020/SAFO20009.pdf One of the things it says is: It is also recommended that fully vaccinated people with no...
  20. K

    Remote Cabin / Portable High Speed Internet Beta - Tesla in the Sky - Starlink

    So does that dish move during the day... as in tracking the satellite in real time? If so, how would that work in snow and ice?