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  1. cub yellow

    how cold is it where your at?

    -20f with no wind this morning in North central wa. Yesterday' chill factor was -40f. Bp Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  2. cub yellow

    Oops, darn it...

    Good points and we'll taken.. Thanks. Bp Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  3. cub yellow

    Oops, darn it...

    One extra trip would have made the difference... Sad!! Bp Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  4. cub yellow

    Pireps for Idaho

    Big creek is open, silver spur outfitters/ lodge should be open at Dixie. Keep an eye on what's happening fire wise. Have a great trip! B Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  5. cub yellow

    Dakota fuel selector and vent lines

    That fuel line is really close to the exhaust!!! Bp Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  6. cub yellow

    Recommendation for handheld to use around airport?

    Or GAS ! Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  7. cub yellow

    Oops, darn it...

    Beep beep! Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  8. cub yellow

    O-200 champ puzzle

    Sounds very similar to a problem we just solved on an o200 by backing out the idle mixture screw a bit for a bit more rpm rise. Doesn't make much sense but maybe give it a try. Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  9. cub yellow

    O-200 champ puzzle

    How much rpm increase do you get when going to idle cutoff on shutdown?? Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  10. cub yellow

    how cold is it where your at?

    6 this morning in North central Wa. Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  11. cub yellow

    Spraying Aerothane

    Thanks... I'm doing a fairly large repair and looking for a cost effective gravity feed gun. May only be a one time use. Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  12. cub yellow

    Spraying Aerothane

    Wondering if anyone has used a 3M Accuspray gun for spraying Poly fiber Aerothane ?? How well did it work ??Thanks. Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  13. cub yellow

    how cold is it where your at?

    -18 north central Washington... At least it's calm!! Brad Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  14. cub yellow

    Cessna missing logs 20 yrs ago

    Just get a good skywagon mechanic to do a good pre buy inspection . Too much screwing around and you will miss out ! Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  15. cub yellow

    Should I buy a 2nd plane- " fast family hauler"

    With 6 seats the insurance goes way up! Brad Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  16. cub yellow

    3 point landings on pavement?

    Stay away from the brakes until you gain proficiency. Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  17. cub yellow

    2022 Insurance Discussion

    New quote from Travers & Associates. $ 2317. Through Global Aerospace. Experimental Supercub replica. $130k hull, 0 deductible, 1 million liability, $5k each person medical. Pilot... 3100 total time. 2700 tailwheel. 500 in supercubs. Commercial Instrument Multi SES. No previous...
  18. cub yellow

    Axe mounting/storage

    My Fiskers is always in the pod. Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  19. cub yellow

    Axe mounting/storage

    Always ready, easy access ! Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app
  20. cub yellow

    PA-18 Kneeboard Checklist (like Checkmate’s 172)

    Yikes!! It's a Cub ! Sent from my VS988 using SuperCub.Org mobile app