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Search results

  1. N

    PA-12 restoration started

    Who offers that upgrade?
  2. N

    Should I install ADSB Out on my PA-18? (2022)

    I have in/out on two of my airplanes and I find it very helpful, especially around uncontrolled airports. Half the guys who make position reports are wrong about where they claim to be. It’s always been that way, but now I can actually locate their true position. I have no radio at all in...
  3. N

    My Crazy Busy Caribou Season

    Those are beautiful photos. Where in Alaska were they taken?
  4. N

    Best choice for landing gear on PA-12

    The photos in your other thread are very enlightening. I like the looks of your "new" airplane with the -18 gear legs, for certain. The stock -12 gear looks kind of "squat" to me. But I really don't need to slow down that much. I wish there was a slightly taller -12 gear. That would be the...
  5. N

    Best choice for landing gear on PA-12

    My gut feeling is that I would be happiest with new manufacture -12/14 gear legs and 8.50s. The tall -18 gear looks neat, but I don't need it, and don't really want to slow down any further. But if the only option for new is $2600, then it would be crazy not to go to -18 setup. Are there any...
  6. N

    Best choice for landing gear on PA-12

    There are a lot of posts about landing gear. None have answered my question. I have a standard, unmodified PA-12 that I will rebuild with 150hp. 1 1/4" axles on stock gear legs that are not in great shape. I have a set of Clevelands that are 1 1/2" that I want to use. I won't use the...
  7. N

    Distrought Cub owner seeks 180 advice

    I've had a 1958 180A for about 6 years now. Rebuilt it from a wreck. I've owned or had access to a lot of airplanes over the last 15 years, but overall, I'm convinced that the 180 is the absolute best airplane you can have. With my current job (or lack thereof) situation, I've pondered...