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  1. L

    mmmn, -1 foot landing

    I'm pretty sure it rolled at least 6" -- BACKWARDS !! John Scott
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    The Lord even smiles on those that don't have a Cub... Beautiful picture ! :up John Scott
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    Oratex Fabric

    Hmmmm... I thought the bottom was done last so when you rip the fabric on a stump you can just soak the tapes and fabric off and replace? I guess things change or don't. John Scott
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    Crankshaft Plug & Spinner Bulkhead

    Let's see... Is your PA-12 certified or experimental? If certified, is the O-320 install done by STC or otherwise? I'd assume PMA'd parts built to an approved specification/blueprint? Altering the part might not be kosher... If experimental , GO FOR IT ! John Scott
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    Dufault, Bush, and Breeden Super Cub

    Thanks for taking the time to reply... John Scott
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    Pressed Wing ribs

    Pete, In retrospect, I think it was a statement and a question you posed that spurred my reply. The rib does actually do more than just give the fabric shape in that it is the structure underlying the fabric that transferrs the lifting force to the airframe. As to how the the load is...
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    Pressed Wing ribs

    I'd tend to disagree in the case of a rib stitched, Piper rib. The lifting force acts on the upper fabric which is held in place by the rib stitches that transfer the forces to the lower capstrip of the rib. This is why using Martin clips or screws in original Piper ribs is a bad idea - the...
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    Dufault, Bush, and Breeden Super Cub

    Bob, Bobby, That is one AWSOME "Cub"! Visually, the first thing that sets it apart is the landing gear. Can you make a guess as to the difference in weight over a "standard" Cub gear set-up? Is this design retro-fittable to a Cub airframe (Exp.) with minor changes or are there major...
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    Field Approvals

    Well, Bob, if you will follow what Pete posted it just might go a little faster? Then again it IS the FAA and they're not happy until you're not happy. John Scott
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    Oil psi gauge problem. C-85

    In my opinion, WagAero's motto should be: Everything not quite right... John Scott
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    Lessons learned

    Didn't Cessna just grind the "pointer" off the short end?? LOL !! John Scott
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    Sheeesh! And all this time I thought we were fixing this with phonics!!! John Scott
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    Building a Javron Cub

    From the pictures, the tail weighing point is clearly the tailwheel, not the tailpost. John Scott
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    Ultimate Landing gear retrofit?

    It might be the "next best thing" and I wish them luck in their marketing. Can't help but think "Champ gear on a Cub". John Scott
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    Pitot hose replacement in J-3

    In the attached picture the copper tubing you see has been replaced with aluminum tubing. This picture is looking down from the top of the wing, front side of the spar. The nuts are on the jury strut attach fitting. Your copper tubing SHOULD extend through the lower fabric and your rotten...
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    Lowrider LSA

    Hmmmm... Never got much painting done with the compressor off. :wink: Since the line is open to the tank, pressure in the line = pressure in the tank. If the compressor runs without you painting and fills the tank to 100PSI, the pressure in the line is 100PSI too. If you then turn the...
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    Lowrider LSA

    Not fightn' just discussin' If you have a compressor with a 100 cubic foot tank filled to 100 PSI. You disconnect the air line and installed a gauge in the line outlet. The gauge would read 100 PSI, right? If you removed the gauge, reconnected the air line then installed the gauge at the far...
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    Lowrider LSA

    Sounds like you need to replace leaky hoses? A longer run technically just increases the volme of higher pressure air - doesn't cause lower pressure. Now, if you were painting with electricity, there would be line loss over a long run... John Scott
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    Battery under seat?

    I am SO glad you posted this! You know the first thing you have to do to complete this mod is to take the front seat out... :lol: John Scott
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    4 Place Exp Cub Progress

    I understand global warming has turned things on their head in parts of Alaska... John Scott